From the Office

The school newsletter is distributed electronically every fortnight on a Thursday via an email which contains a direct link to the newsletter document. Compass login is not required to read the newsletter from this link.
This is the most important form of communication issued from the school and we ask you to contact the school by phone if you either do not have a valid email address or if you don’t receive the email containing the newsletter link. Email address updates can be made via Compass.
The newsletter is also available from the school website.
LITTLE ANGLER KITS – Year 6 Students only
At the 2022 State election, the Victorian Government committed to providing Little Angler Kits to select students, via schools. The kits were due to be delivered late in 2023 for then, Year 5 students based on the Victorian Curriculum area of focus, movement and motor development and safety considerations. As the kits have only just arrived, they will be distributed to our 2024 Year 6 students.
The tackle tray includes fishing hooks. The tackle tray is wrapped in cardboard and placed inside a pocket, inside the fishing kit bag and is sealed with a cable tie to discourage students from opening their kits until they are with a parent or carer.
All students will receive a kit however parents and carers can choose to opt out of receiving a kit or request for an adult to pick the kit up from school, by notifying the school via this link .If no response is received by 22nd February, a Little Angler Kit will be given to your child to bring home.
Our local IGA has already been a supporter of our school and fundraising efforts.
If you become a Ritchies Card Member, you will not only receive their latest weekly specials but if you nominate Woodend PS as part of the Ritchies Community Benefit Program, the school will receive a percentage of total parent sales for the month*. (conditions apply)
Please see the picture here for info on how to become and member and start helping our school.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from the school website.
If you applied for CSEF at THIS school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
- new student enrolments; your child has started AT THIS SCHOOL or changed schools this year.
- changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
- A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families.The annual CSEF amount per student is:
- $150 for primary school students
- $250 for secondary school students
Check with the school office if you are unsure.
The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
Don’t forget to apply for younger siblings who have just started school.
Some students attending this school will be eligible for a Conveyance Allowance.
Eligibility Criteria:
The allowance will be paid in two instalments and to be eligible a student must:
- Be aged between 5 yrs and 18 yrs;
- Live more than 4.8 km by the shortest practicable route from the NEAREST school attended AND live more than 4.8 km from the nearest DEECD funded bus service stop;
- Be enrolled at the nearest or next nearest government school.
NB - The distances from home to school are automatically calculated as part of the application process and the DEECD Student Conveyance Allowance System distances will override parent advised figures.
Amount and Payment Method:
The annual amount payable is determined by the mode of transport, the distance travelled from home to school and the number of other students travelling in the same car.
Application Forms:
A separate form is to be completed for each student and these are available from the school office. Only one application is required for a student’s enrolment at school.
Don’t forget to apply for younger siblings who have just started school.
Please direct any enquiries re either of these allowances to Sue Turner at the school office.
Thank you to those families who have already made contributions towards the below listed amounts. If you’re not sure if you have paid or not, please check your QKR app under ‘Activity’, on the screen where you choose the school. Towards the end of Term 1, school account statements will be issued which will show all payments received to date for 2024 and any credit amounts (money we owe you). If you haven’t paid anything for this year or don’t have a credit on your account, we are unable to issue a statement.
Official receipts for donations to the Building and Library Fund (which are tax deductible) will be issued later in Term 2 or early Term 3.
Payment methods - Via QKR (free app) – for payment of Booklist, Netbook Program, Carlsruhe Bus, School Improvement Fund and Building & Library Fund Contributions.
QKR is also used for Canteen & Uniform Shop orders.
CURRICULUM CONTRIBUTIONS - items and activities that students use, or participate in, to access the Curriculum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Booklist Requisites - ALL requisites for students in ALL year levels, will be bought in bulk for 2024.All items have been purchased in bulk at the best possible price and will be made available for students as required during the school year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Netbook & BYOSD Program – (Yr 4,5 & 6 only) - Woodend Primary School is committed to providing learning environments that will engage our students and provide independence and flexibility in their learning.We believe students should be able to learn in teams, collaboratively, as a class, a whole community or alone. Our Netbook Program aims to expand the learning environment beyond the walls of the classroom. It gives students the capability to collaborate, share information and experiences and take control of their learning in ways not previously possible, whilst also preparing them for 21st century learning. Year 4 & 5 students are invited to participate in the BYOSD program. Year 6 students are invited to lease a device. The listed fee covers the cost of using the device and technical support for the year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS - for non-curriculum items and activities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Carlsruhe Bus – (Yr 4 only) - the cost of transport to and from our Carlsruhe Annexe, 4 days a week, will be $110 per child. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
School Improvement Fund Woodend Primary School continues to welcome your voluntary contributions to support our school. This year’s contributions will once again be channelled to the classroom/education, grounds, buildings & the library, which were the areas identified in the 2019 parent survey. Payments can be made via Qkr and the recommended amounts this year are based on a family rather than per student. When entering the ‘School Improvement Funds’ menu on Qkr you will be asked to select the number of children. The recommended fees are listed below or select a different amount if that is what you wish to contribute. $150 for one child............................. $265 for two children....................... $350 for three children.................... Tax deductible contributions If you would like to claim a tax deduction, please direct your contribution to the Building and/or Library Fund, NOT the School Improvement Fund. A separate receipt for tax purposes can only be issued for donations to either the Building or Library Fund. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Extra-Curricular Items and Activities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woodend Primary School offers a range of items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides, in order to deliver the Curriculum. These are provided on a user-pays basis.
Excursions and Camps – Throughout the year, excursions and camps may be organised for specific year levels. Details will be provided via Compass when an event has been scheduled.
Instrumental Music Program - Various outside tutors provide tuition to students on a wide range of instruments. The program is an extra-curricular activity where participation is optional and tuition fees are set by and paid direct to the music tutor. Please contact the school for further information.
Instrument Hire – The school owns a variety of instruments which are available for hire, if participating in the Instrumental Music Program. Please contact the school for further information. |
Financial Support for Families
Woodend Primary School understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:
- the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
- a confidential discussion about accessing financial assistance or if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements for any activity, contact Diana Ellis - Ph: 03 5427 2455 Email:
All students have received a buff coloured document which lists the current personal details held by the school for that child. Please ask your child for this form or look in their bag. Some forms for separated families have been posted.
PLEASE take the time to check the details listed to ensure they are correct and then either:
- if all details listed are correct, Sign the form and return the sheet as it is; OR
- Make the necessary alterations, sign and return.
** Please DISREGARD the information listed for the distance you live from school. This information is system generated and in some cases is not correct.
NB: In times of emergency or illness, much time is saved if we have correct and current contact details for you and the emergency contacts you have nominated.
STUDENT ACCIDENT - insurance/ambulance cover
As per DET guidelines, it is important we remind parents that we do not provide personal accident insurance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport.
Medical or other expenses will only be covered by the department where it is assessed that the Department was liable for negligent acts or omission of supervision.
Parents are able to take out private Student Cover accident insurance. EBM (Elkington Bishop Molineaux Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd) have a StudentCover policy. Parents can apply online at .
This company is not specifically endorsed by DET however is offering cover to school families if they so choose.
Compass is the communication system used between the school and home.
What will Compass do for me?
Some of the features accessible through Compass include the ability to:
- Provide access to school documentation and the latest news.
- Download and view your child's progress and semester reports.
- Synchronise school events to calendars and receive updates and changes to school events.
- Book Parent-Teacher Conferences.
- Update family contact details.
- Monitor your child's attendance and enter approvals for absence or lateness.
- Be notified of any visits to the school sick bay.
IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCESS COMPASS, PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE – we can reset passwords and provide access assistance. It is imperative all parents have Compass access and we suggest you turn on NOTIFICATIONS for this app to alert you to information sent.
QKR – this is the preferred payment method at WPS and is a free app for your smartphone or the QKR program can be downloaded on your computer. Basically it allows you to pay for all non-camp/excursion payments for school including Canteen, Uniform, Parents and Friends activities & more. No more coin searches!
Getting started is easy……. Go to your app store on your phone and look for the following icon. If you are still having trouble, call the school office for assistance.
QKR can be used for the following:
- Uniform orders
- Canteen Lunches (no cash orders accepted)
- School costs including netbook, bus, voluntary contributions and funds.
- PFA activities & fundraisers
NB: QKR is NOT used for excursions and camps.
Students needing to be informed of changes to their after-school arrangements will be called to the office via the Public Address System at approx 3.25pm. Teachers have been asked to listen to the names called and ensure students required are made aware, especially the younger children. For messages received from parents/guardians after 3.25pm, every effort will be made to locate students and advise them, however this is not always possible. For Prep students for Term 1 only, messages will be phoned through to the class at the next available break or before the home bell.
During class time (bell times listed below) teachers are busy teaching. If you need to make contact with a teacher by phone, please do so during other than class time. eg. - before and after school or recess or lunch breaks. Alternatively, your call can be put through to the teacher’s voicemail where you can leave a message or you are welcome to send an email. See below
Parents are reminded that emails should remain appropriate and respectful and that a response may not be forthcoming for 24 hours. Staff are not required to reply out of school hours and certainly not over the weekend. Your cooperation in this regard is appreciated.
RECESS 10.40 am – 11.10 am
LUNCH EATEN IN CLASSROOM 12.50 pm – 1.00 pm
LUNCH – PLAY 1.00 pm – 1.50 pm
LOST PROPERTY – Lost property is sorted weekly and named items returned to their owner via the class teacher, therefore the best way to get back lost property is to NAME IT before you wear it! As the volume and diversity of lost property at this school is huge, we are unable to retain unnamed items for any length of time. As a result, any unnamed items including school uniform, will be removed from lost property each term and donated appropriately. Lost property is stored in front of the uniform shop so please encourage your children to look for lost items. We encourage you to name your property.
UNIFORM SHOP – please Use the QKR app to order and pay for uniforms. Orders will be filled within a couple of days and goods will be sent home with your child. If you need to swap an item for a different size, please bring goods (in original package with tags attached) back to the school office and we will happily swap them over.
MOBILE PHONES –Students are discouraged from bringing mobile phones to school. If you would like your child to have a mobile phone with them for use before and after school, then the following procedure is to apply:
- The named phone is to be handed in at the office. The phone will stored during the day.
PLEASE TURN IT OFF FIRST!! - Students may collect their phone from the office at home time.
- This applies to all students in all year levels.
A form titled “ALTERNATIVE FAMILY DETAILS” is available for use by parents who do not reside together. By completing this form, address and phone details for both parents are able to be listed on our database.
If you would like a copy of this form to complete or to make further, strictly confidential enquiries, please contact the school office.
Similarly, specific arrangements for separated parents, for payment of school costs including camps & excursions, can be listed on our database. Please contact Sue Turner to discuss.
If your child is late or absent from school without explanation from parents, an SMS will be sent to Adult A at around 10.15am. Please respond to the SMS promptly. Please note the following:
If your child will be LATE FOR SCHOOL, please come to the office to sign your child in via the iPad. Rolls are marked promptly at 9am. If the music has finished and your child is not yet in class, they have probably missed the roll.
If your child will be ABSENT FROM SCHOOL, we ask that you either:
- (preferred method) Log onto Compass and record the absence
- phone the school on 5427 2455 and leave a message on the absence voicemail; or
If you need to take your child EARLY FROM SCHOOL we ask that you:
- send a note/email to the class teacher on the day of the early withdrawal; then,
- come to the office to sign them out and your child will be called from class for you.
- If your child needs to leave early on a regular basis, please advise the class teacher of the day, time, reason, etc so they can plan for this regular absence.
There may be times when your child is well enough to come to school but may still need to take prescribed medicine (eg. Antibiotics)
In this situation we ask that any medicine be sent to school in a named container including instructions which outline dosage rates and times to be administered. The container is to be handed to the classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and taken home each night.
As the parent of a student at Woodend Primary School, you may be considering volunteering at the school in various ways. Whilst parents are not currently permitted to come on-site (except for Canteen & Gardening Club), the school aims to encourage and maximise participation by members of the school community without compromising the safety and well-being of students. To this end, our school has a policy titled “Criminal Records Check & Working With Children Check” which states, in part, that, “WoodendPrimary School requires all volunteers to have a WWC Check”. You will still need to apply for a WWC Check even if you have already had a Police Records Check.
Applications for a WWCC can be made online via
If you have other members of your family who wish to volunteer at school, they will also be required to apply for a check.
Business Manager
Sue Turner