Principal Update

Principal Report Thursday, December 14, 2023
We are nearing the end of the 2023 school year; which has been a big year for everyone. Last night we had our School Council dinner and it was nice to reflect on the many opportunities and experiences offered throughout the year. In the staffroom we have a display for ‘highlights of 2023’ and it is wonderful reading – from student academic achievement to Wakakirri and our camp programs, to community connection and involvement.
Our last whole school event is happening on Monday at 3pm where the students are excited to perform some Christmas Carols for everyone. We hope to see many of you there.
Assembly tomorrow from 2:45pm
We will be announcing the recipients of the following annual awards.
- Mikayla Francis ‘Spirit of Friendship’ Award for a student in F-2
- Emerald Lions Club Community Award for a Year 3/4 student
- Bendigo Bank Community Award for a Year 5 student
Classes for 2024
On Tuesday we had our current Year 6 student go to their secondary schools and we welcomed our new Foundation students. We also had a chance for the 2024 classes to meet for the first time.
We will have 6 classes next year
- Foundation/Year 1 - teacher Mandy Rudeforth
- Year 2 – teacher Natalie Woodgate
- 3/4K - teacher Kylie Morgan
- 3/4B – teacher Rebecca Burley (Courtney Gilmour will have 34B on Mondays)
- 5/6D - teacher Daniel Sutera
- 5/6S – teacher Sonya McLeod
Specialist structure
- Performing Arts – Rebecca Burley
- PE – Kate Watkins
- Visual Arts – Kate Watkins
- STEM – Courtney Gilmour
- AUSLAN – Amy Clyne
- Plot to Pot fortnightly - Rosie Luyken and Kelly Black
- Literacy Support/Learning Intervention – Alison Scott
- Chaplain – Hollie Boniface.
- Business Manager – Kate Keys (Monday – Thursday) and Nicole Leary (Fridays)
I would like to thank the staff for creating classes that balance the academic, social/emotional and behavioural needs of our students. Always a challenge.
2024 School Captains
As communicated Tuesday our School Captains for 2024 will be Ari, Leila, Georgia and Charley. Congratulations to these students. We were very proud of each of the students who were nominated and the way they presented themselves and delivered their speeches. It was also impressive how well they conducted themselves knowing that not everyone was going to be happy and that some would be disappointed.
Year 6 Graduation
Tonight, we have the Year 6 Graduation celebration at Marybrooke Manor. It will be a wonderful acknowledgement of how far our students have come from their first days in Foundation 7 years ago. For some the Menzies Creek journey started at the preschool, for some it started in Foundation and some joined along the way.
We wish them every success as they embark on the next phase of their educational journeys and hope to hear wonderful things in the future of what they get up to and become.
A huge thanks in advance to Daniel and Sonya for organising the evening. Thanks also to Shelley for her creativity and making the presentation package a little special for the students.
We will also present our annual Year 6 awards during the ceremony.
The 3C’s Courage, Courtesy and Charity Award and The Year 6 Citizenship Award
Thank you
It has been a huge 2023 and I am thankful that we have been able to have a more settled school year. I wish you all a well-deserved break and hope everyone enjoys spending quality time together with family and friends. Be kind to one another, enjoy the holidays and we will see you back at school on Wednesday January 31.
Thanks to our wonderful and dedicated staff (teachers, ES, admin and Preschool) who work so hard to support our students and families.
I would like to thank the School Council for their combined efforts, support, advice and contribution again this year. I have valued the community support you provide.
Our 4 chickens are looking for somewhere to holiday over the Xmas break, if you can help out please contact the office (all food supplied and free eggs for the hosts).
A reminder that we will have our end of year assembly at 1:00pm on Wednesday 20 December and will finish school at 1:30pm.
Take care,
Dale McInerney