Specialist Subjects

 Physical Education


Welcome back to PE in 2024! Term 1 has kicked off with Blast off, then grades 3-6 will be focusing on volleyball in the lead-up to the 5/6 tournament at Reg Energy Arena in week 6. Also in week 6 will be our 3-6 swimming lessons, these will be at Gurri Wanyarra again. All students will need permission to attend, more info will be sent out on compass soon. 

Our junior grades will be concentrating on minor games and rules to get them in the swing of things for the year. I can't wait to teach the preppies what a boundary is... and then try keep them inside one! 


Please remember to send your children with appropriate footwear on the days they have PE. If there is ever any health/physical concerns please just send them with a note for me so I am aware. And finally, please encourage your kids to participate in all PE activities - Physical Education is vital for their physical development. I aim to provide a fun and interactive program that caters for all sporting abilities, with the expectation that everyone has a go! 


Important dates coming up:

  • Hockey Roadshow - 5/6 and prep students. Feb 20th
  • 3-6 Swimming lessons- Week 6 - March 4 - 8
  • 5/6 Volleyball - Week 6 
  • School X Country - bike track and school grounds. April 19th, Term 2
  • Div X Country - Term 2, week 3


-Mr. Smyth


Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3... Welcome to Music in 2024!


Hopefully you are all ready to rock and I can't wait start our activities and programs.

An outline of our term looks like this:


Grades 5-6: will be consolidating and refreshing the skills required to learn and perform songs on keyboard, guitar, bass, drums and ukulele, before selecting their preferences for instruments to focus on in Term 2.


Grade 3-4: will be being introduced and exposed to the initial skills and techniques in the above mentioned instruments.


Grade 1-2: will rotate through various weekly activities that build up their ukulele playing and their drumming skills. They will also create and play small pieces, using bars and beats to measure where they are in a song.


Grade Prep: will look at how to play and move safely in the Music room. They will learn what "the beat" is and we will start to learn to find the beat in music they hear. 


And of course, our fantastically talented Rock Band will be learning songs and performing for our community as much as we can! We have a well known classic that we are learning that we are sure you will sing along to. Bam Bam Baaaaaaaa..... That's a clue! 


So tune up and plug in. It's gonna be fun!

-Mr. Mayes

Visual Arts

Welcome to another creative year in the art room. It is going to be one busy and exciting term ahead as we get back into creating and learning about artists, techniques and styles.


For some of our students, Term 1 will be an opportunity to extend and enhance their skills with some grade 4 students joining artist Fiona McMonagle in an online studio workshop with a focus on watercolor techniques. For some grade 5 and 6 students the chance to visit the NGV, complete a creative workshop session and tour the current Triennial exhibition. Don't worry junior students, your sessions are in the works are coming up later in the year.



Grade 6: French Impressionism

Grade 5: Dynamic Portraits and Nic Plowman

Grade 4 and 3: Kandinsky

Grade 2 and 1: Color Theory

Grade Prep: Creating first works of art


Also keep an eye on the art space at terms end as we slowly build our 2024 student gallery.





Welcome back to Term 1! I hope your children are as excited about learning as I am about teaching them. Some of the highlights this year in Auslan will be our grade 6 excursion and grade 4 excursion!


Auslan is a language that enables communication and connection with the deaf community. By incorporating new signs into our daily routines and activities, we will further enhance our understanding and appreciation of this rich and expressive language.

Throughout the term, we will engage in interactive activities, games, and group tasks that will make learning Auslan both fun and meaningful. By practicing and using these signs regularly, your children will develop fluency and confidence in expressing themselves using Auslan.


During Auslan in Term One, will continue to participate in simple conversations with their peers and teachers learning signs like ‘hello’, ‘good-bye’ and ‘how are you? 


 Later in the term we will be practicing different signs for the people in our own family, such as Mum, Dad, Sister etc.


-Miss E