Deutsch für die Zukunft
(German for the Future)
Welcome to another wonderful year of German language learning at Rangeview! We hope you have had a great start to the new year.
This year we have two German teachers at Rangeview:
Frau Megan Taylor (middle) and Frau Ulrike Lindner (left).
In term 2 we will welcome our new German Language Assistant, Frau Nele Keller, to Rangeview. Frau Keller, who comes from Chemnitz, Germany, will assist Frau Taylor and Frau Lindner with all aspects of the German Program and enhance students‘ language learning by working with students individually and in small groups, as well as whole-class scenarios.
We are also delighted to announce our Grade 6 German Captains for 2024.
They are:
Elise and Justin
Look out for their personal introduction in the next newsletter.
Should you have any queries about how to best support your child’s German language development, we would love to hear from you.
Frau Ulrike Lindner Frau Megan Taylor