Year 5/6

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Welcome back to 2025! We can’t believe that we are in Week 3 already! It is lovely to see the students again after the holiday break. We also welcome new families to the school and we look forward to working with you. Everyone has settled into their new routine very quickly and the students have been working extremely well. It looks like we are in for a wonderful year.

Introducing our 2025 team:

Caz Sheaf (Team Leader): I have been teaching at SPS for about 20 years and I love this school. This year I have decided to teach part-time and I’m very excited to share the teaching with Rachel. Together we are making a great team. One thing I am trying for the first time is Tai Chi. What I have done so far has been a lot of fun (and very relaxing!). I am looking forward to working with all of the students in our level throughout the year.


Rachel Crofts: I have been teaching at Scoresby Primary School for a number of years now, both in the classroom and in specialist areas. I am very excited to be teaching 5/6 this year and have had a wonderful start to the year with the students. Outside of school I enjoy dancing and am looking forward to coordinating the Victorian State Schools' Spectacular mass dance again for SPS in 2025.


Sarah Harper: I’m so excited to be teaching another year of 5/6 at Scoresby PS! This will be my second year of official teaching and I’m very keen to continue my own professional learning with this group of students. Outside of work, I guiltily enjoy spending time “browsing” at Kmart! I also love a night-in with my cat and the other half, with a good movie and snack. I like to think I have a bit of a green thumb and I’m enthusiastic about my plans with the 2025 Sustainability team this year and keeping our school green and clean.


Jamie Purdon: I’m thrilled to be part of this amazing team at SPS. I am in my second year of primary teaching and, after spending last year gaining experience at many schools as a CRT, I am looking forward to getting to know the students, teachers and families at the one school. The suburb of Scoresby has been a big part of my life for over thirty years, through my own schooling, local sporting clubs and working at the local Scoresby Village Childcare Centre. It is great to start here and already know so many wonderful families. Everyone has been so helpful and welcoming, and I am loving it!


Aides: Julie, Jenny, Alison, Raelene


This year we would love to have parent and grandparent helpers in our level. If you are interested, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. Please note that you must have a Working With Children Check (WWCC). You can speak with the office staff for more details regarding this.


Breakfast Club has become very popular over the last couple of years. It is a great time to chat with the students out of the classroom. This year we are asking for helpers to support the running of this program; both parents and grandparents are welcome. Some of the jobs are setting up, cooking toast, serving food to students, and cleaning up. Volunteers must have a WWCC. If you are able to help, please contact Tina in the office.


- Caz, Sarah, Jamie and Rachel



What We Are Learning


What We Are Learning In Specialist Classes              In Term 1

Visual Arts

This term, Year 5/6 students will further develop their drawing skills. They will use one-point perspective to draw a city scene, and explore the art element of value when drawing a still-life with soft pastels. Students will also experiment with colour schemes and oil pastels to make a drawing of a dragon’s eye. 


We will be using soft and oil pastels this term, so please ensure your child has an art smock to protect their school uniform. Smocks can be bought or made from an old, oversized top. The smocks must be clearly named and will be kept in a classroom tub for the children to wear when using messy art materials. 



This term in Robotics, the students in Year 5/6 will be using Edison robots to learn about coding and programming. They will learn how Edison works and different ways they can program it. Students will learn to use simple block coding to instruct Edison to complete different tasks and challenges. They will develop their skills to debug codes, and learn about loops and how to include them in their programming. Students will extend their vocabulary knowledge for this subject. We will revise the importance of privacy of personal information in an online environment.



This term in Science we will focus on the area of Biological Science. Students will learn about the different adaptations that plants make to survive in various habitats. They will conduct experiments to learn about the effect of humans on plants and their growth. They will research famous inventors and their inventions, examining how they have changed our lives.


Performing Arts

In Performing Arts this term, students will rehearse with classroom instruments in an ensemble setting. They will have some autonomy over the parts they focus on and their instrumental positions. Students will be encouraged to learn multiple parts and attempt multiple instruments for each piece of ensemble repertoire. They will also be learning/refreshing the following chord shapes on the ukulele: C, F, A minor G, E minor, D7, and will work towards changing between chords with fluency to perform songs.


Physical Education

This term in PE, students will complete a unit on Invasion Games. Through sports such as soccer, netball, AFL and hockey they will develop their teamwork and learn to strategise as both defenders and attackers. All students will participate in a Winter Sport Round Robin day against other schools in our district. Students will use the running track to develop their endurance in preparation for Cross Country in Term 2.



  • Assemblies: Will be held fortnightly, the next assembly being 21st February.

  • Homework: Reading is to be recorded each night in student diaries and returned each Friday. The Writing and Maths sections of the homework are completed over two weeks. Due dates are included on the task slips. Please support your child with completing homework.

  • Art smocks: All students require one at school.

  • Annual Consent Form, Code of Conduct, Digitech Agreements: Please return ASAP.

  • No hat, no play: Students must wear their hats outside during Term 1.

  • Breakfast Club: Wednesday mornings.

  • Running Club: Thursday mornings.

  • Student phones: Must be handed in to the office at the beginning of the day, where they will be stored securely, and picked up after school.

  • Compass: Please ensure you have access to Compass as this is the main platform for all communication, notices and reports.


Try This...


Learning Community Activities

In Weeks 1 and 2, Scoresby PS students participated in Learning Community lessons, with the first lesson focusing on Super 10. In Super 10, we learned how to support each other and be kind to all our peers. We then explored the importance of having a growth mindset by practising positive self-talk. In the third lesson, we learned how to bounce back from challenges quickly using resilience. Following that, we discovered how to include others by standing in a horseshoe formation to help everyone feel comfortable and welcome. Finally, we found our inner ninja! We learned how to "squish ANTs"—automatic negative thoughts that bring us down—and instead focus on positive thoughts, such as recognising our strengths in sports or hobbies. We also brainstormed our Green Behaviour expectations for the year. Overall, it was a valuable experience. Both students and teachers felt calmer, kinder and more positive. It was also a lot of fun learning how to be kinder to others—and especially to ourselves!

By Hayden and Eason


Year 5/6 Green Behaviours:

  • Being confident and accepting challenges

  • Not ignoring others

  • Showing teachers that you care about your work

  • Showing empathy

  • Being honest when you’ve made a mistakes

  • Learning from your mistakes

  • Positive language

  • Giving everything a go



Project Rockit Leadership Incursion

On Monday the 3rd of February 2025, Project Rockit came to us to tell us how to be a good friend, and how we can be a better person. They also talked to us about our strengths and weaknesses. We also started off by getting our chairs and putting them into a big circle. Then they introduced themselves as Ella and Biannca. We played Have I Ever? then we started talking about our strengths and how we can be a better person, and we did a worksheet about what we would do in different scenarios and what we can do to make a difference. We shared our opinions and thoughts. After that we said goodbye and packed up our chairs. Everyone had a lot of fun at Project Rockit and can say that we now have some great knowledge about being leaders at Scoresby Primary School!

By Piper and Lucy


Student Leader Badge Ceremony

On the 7th of February, all of the 2025 school leaders received their badges. Mr Kim Wells, an Australian politician who has presented the leader badges at this school for many years, distributed them to the new leaders. It was also their first time running an assembly. First, the School Captain badges were presented, followed by the Vice Captains, HEART Captains, and all eight House Captains. The lucky recipients were Summer and Eason as School Captains, Piper and Tommy as Vice Captains, and Emily, Dante and Jonas as Scoresby’s HEART Captains. The House Captains were Mia and Bodhi, Lucy and Otto, Bella and Eliza, and Jaxon and Alisha. Afterwards, all the badge recipients had photos taken with Mrs Hartley and Mr Kim Wells.

By Piper and Mia