Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
Welcome back to 2025. We have had a very settled start to the year and we are extremely proud of all of our students for working so well in a new space, getting to know new classmates and teachers, and adjusting to the school timetable.
We will be commencing our Morning Rigour session at 9.00am sharp each weekday. This consists of learning Rainbow Maths and our Write to Read programs, which create a valuable foundation for your child. We are also seeking helpers for reading with our students in the morning for the first half an hour. We welcome any parents, grandparents and/or carers who can help, however you must have a valid Working With Children Check. If interested, please let your child’s classroom teacher.
Brain food (fresh fruit and/or vegetables) will be eaten at around 9.40 each morning, and children are encouraged to bring brain food and a water bottle into the classroom each day.
For your information, our class timetables include:
3/4F | 3/4H | |
Library | Monday | Thursday |
PE | Tuesday | Tuesday |
Level Sport | Thursday | Thursday |
The 3/4s are very lucky to have a beautiful collaborative space where there is a level library for the students to use and plenty of space to learn together. We are also very excited to have Bruce the Bluetongue living there. He has settled well into school life and even enjoys some time in the sun during lunch and recess breaks.
We have already had some special activities including joining an eSafety webinar, where we learnt about how to be safe online and what to do if something makes us feel unsafe or uneasy online. We also have our Kaboom Sports incursion today which we will share more about in our next newsletter.
Homework started this week and this was handed out on Monday along with a Reading Log. The homework will be due back at the start of every odd week and Reading Logs due back each Friday. Homework is not intended to cause stress within the family home and is used as a way of reinforcing learning from the classroom. If there are any questions regarding any part of the homework, please see your child’s classroom teacher.
Our 3/4 team for 2025 consists of Mrs Caroline Foenander (Level Leader), Mrs Larissa Holdsworth, Mrs Karen Coster (Thursdays only) and Miss Samantha Edwards.
We look forward to a terrific year with all our Year 3/4 students. If you have any concerns or questions, please come and see us before or after school. However, we aren’t available on either a Monday or Wednesday night.
- Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth, Karen Coster and Samantha Edwards
Visual Arts
This term, Year 3/4 students will explore art from prehistoric times and ancient civilisations. They will identify and discuss similarities and differences of the different eras before creating their own cave painting, sarcophagus with a cartouche, and a drawing of Ancient Greek pottery.
We will be using charcoal, oil pastels and paint this term, so please ensure your child has an art smock to protect their school uniform. Smocks can be bought or made from an old, oversized top. The smocks must be clearly named and will be kept in a classroom tub for the children to wear when using messy art materials.
This term in Robotics, the students in Year 3/4 will be using Mini Spheros to learn about coding and programming. They will learn how the Sphero works and different ways they can program it. Students will learn to use simple block coding to instruct the Sphero to complete different tasks and challenges. They will develop their skills to debug codes, and learn about conditional statements and how to include them in their programming. Students will build on their vocabulary knowledge for this subject. We will revise the importance of privacy of personal information in an online environment.
This term in Science we will focus on the area of Biological Science. Students will learn about the different parts of plants and what plants need to be healthy. They will investigate the different ways of classifying plants and the life cycles of flowering and non-flowering plants. We will learn about the importance of bees and how they can help protect bees.
Performing Arts
Students will learn to tune, name strings and form chord shapes on the ukulele. They will understand the concept of a simple chord progression using two and three chords, and work towards changing freely between chord shapes. With these ukulele skills, students will be able to perform a selection of popular music and attempt song-writing with their own lyrical and melodic ideas.
Physical Education
This term in PE, students will be exploring different invasion games such as soccer, netball, AFL and hockey. They will play modified games using skills from these sports while learning how to move and think when attacking or defending. Students will use the running track to develop their endurance in preparation for Cross Country in Term 2.
Forms: Annual Consent Forms and Digitech Agreements need to be completed and returned as soon as possible. Thank you to those families who have already returned theirs.
Pencil Cases: All students in Level 3/4 need to have a pencil case to store supplies provided by the school. We move and work in different work spaces around the school and this is an easy way for students to look after their own resources.
Hats: It is a requirement that all students wear a school hat in Term 1 and Term 4. Students who don’t have their hat will need to play in the undercover area near the stage to protect them from the sun.
Art Smocks: Please send an art smock with your child as soon as possible to protect their uniform during Art.
Library Bags: We encourage all students to borrow regularly from the whole school library. They require a simple library bag if they wish to take these books home.
The grocer has boxes of fruit that she is unpacking and putting out on display. Some of the apples, lemons and blueberry punnets are missing.
The box of strawberry punnets is all full, the boxes of oranges and mangoes are full. There are also the right number of kiwi fruit in each bag. We just can’t see them all.
Can you work out how many apples, lemons and blueberry punnets would be in each box if each box was full?
Can you work out how many strawberry punnets, oranges, mangoes and kiwi fruit there are?