
Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Hello and welcome to our first Foundation Newsletter for 2025! I am very proud of the way the Foundation students have settled into school. We hardly have any tears in the morning, and everyone is starting to learn the organisation and expectations of our busy classroom. We have gone with a jungle theme this year in Foundation and, with the help of the Year 6 Buddies, the students have a paper bag monkey of themselves swinging around the front of the room. Please feel free to come in and look at our wonderful classroom before or after school and see the work your child has been completing. I am looking forward to a wonderful year full of fun, laughs and, of course, lots of learning!!


- Merran Maguire


On The Holidays

Mrs Maguire: I moved into my new home just before Christmas so my holidays were spent cleaning up, organising and looking after my two dogs named Ollie and Oscar. It was lovely to have the warm weather and I went for lots of walks and spent time in the garden.


Tracey: I spent the holidays having lunch with friends, going to the tennis, and spending time with my wonderful grandchildren.


What We Are Learning


What We Are Learning In Specialist Classes              In Term 1

Visual Arts

In Term 1, Foundation students will explore colour. They will blend primary-coloured plasticine and mix paint to make secondary colours. Students will view and discuss artworks created by Sally Gabori and James Rizzi as inspiration for their own personal masterpieces. 


We will be using dyes and acrylic paints this term, so please ensure your child has an art smock to protect their school uniform. Smocks can be bought or made from an old, oversized top. The smocks must be clearly named and will be kept in a classroom tub for the children to wear when using messy art materials. 



This term in Robotics, the students in Foundation will be using a Beebot to learn about coding and programming. They will learn the different functions of the Beebot and how to apply these to various tasks and challenges. Students will learn to debug simple codes and build on their vocabulary for this subject. We will also spend time discussing the importance of cyber safety, focusing on the importance of keeping personal information private.


Performing Arts

In Performing Arts this term, students will be performing melodic patterns on the xylophone, singing familiar melodies, creating and responding to rhythmic patterns using hand drums, and learning about rhythmic notation using quarter notes and rests.  They will also be expressing themselves with dancing and participating in musical games that teach the concepts of pitch and rhythm. 


Physical Education

This term in PE, Foundation students will be exploring the different ways they can move their bodies. They will be learning how to follow the rules of games and participate co-operatively with their teammates.  Students will be introduced to the Fundamental Motor Skills run, jump and leap. They will learn and practise some of the games and activities they will enjoy on our Twilight Sports afternoon.



  • Communication Folders: Please remember to bring these to and from school each day.

  • Hats, Art Smocks and Library Bags: Please bring these to school if you haven’t already.

  • Brain Food: Please pack some fruit or veggies for your child to eat each morning during our ‘brain food’ time. We request no ‘drippy fruit’ please.


F-2 Code Dress-Up Day

We are excited to announce that the F-2 students are having a 'Dress Up as your Favourite Code Day' on Friday 28th February. 


We have been learning and revising different codes as part of our Write To Read and Phonics Plus programs and, as a fun way to celebrate this learning, we would like to invite the students to come dressed as something that represents one of their favourite codes e.g.

  • monkey for the ‘M’ code

  • queen for the ‘QU ‘code

  • a king for the ‘NG’ code

We would like to invite all families to meet in their child’s classroom at 3.00pm. Students will showcase their activities from the day, as they will have been completing special writing, reading and craft activities, focussing on the codes.


If you have any questions, please just ask.


Try This...

Count and Sort a Basket of Toys

Sorting and classifying objects help children understand the nature of mathematics. Gather a basket or box of toys and sit down with your child to count them. Sort them based on size, colour or theme. This is also a great way to encourage them to put away their toys!


Jumping Into The Junior School Day and Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Last Friday, the Foundation and Year 1/2 students had a fantastic time celebrating Jumping into the Junior School! The morning was filled with specialist classes and, after lunch, the fun continued with bubble blowing, a special teddy bear headband craft, and lots of dancing!


To finish the day, students and their families joined us for a Teddy Bears' Picnic in the undercover area. Families brought their picnic blankets and afternoon tea to share while the students enjoyed a teddy bear hunt, searching for hidden teddies around the school. They also had a blast decorating their very own teddy bear biscuits with icing, Smarties, lollies and sprinkles!


It was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of our Learning Communities unit and the first two weeks of school. Seeing so many happy faces and families join in made the day extra special—what a great way to start the year!


PMP With Mrs Coster


Fun In The Classroom