From the Principal

Dr Rahmi Jackson

Dear Parents,

The school year is now underway, and we are excited to have students back on site! Over this week I have visited all Primary classes and a range of Secondary classes, it has been lovely to see students settling into their learning.



Meet & Greet

We’re excited to host families tomorrow for our Meet & Greet afternoon from 3:30 – 4:30pm. Primary teachers will be in their classrooms and Secondary teachers will be in the library. Preschool teachers will join us from 4pm after the Preschool closes. Please come along and ask your child to introduce you to their teacher(s) and also to their friends! Students can collect an ice block in the Primary quad after they’ve visited their teacher. I’ll also be there, and look forward to meeting many families.



Compass App Update

Thank you for your patience while we resolve some technical issues with the roll out of our new Compass app for parents. In this new app, you will be able to see your child’s timetable, manage attendance notes, email your child’s teachers, and view school reports – over time we’ll be progressively enabling further features, including the school calendar, permission notes for events and more.

You will receive login details for the new app soon.


Sun Safety

The beginning of the year has been particularly hot, and we ask parents to ensure their child has their hat and a drink bottle every day. Staff have been opening indoor options for students during recess and lunch and there is lots of shade for students to enjoy outside.


Swimming Carnivals

Our swimming carnivals are coming up soon. Please keep an eye out for important information about these events along with parent permission forms. Specific permission from parents is required for students to attend these events.


School Hours & TheirCare

A reminder for all families that the College begins supervision of students from 8:00am before school and finish supervision at 4pm. Any Primary school student who is present outside these times will be signed into OSHC (TheirCare) to ensure their safety – TheirCare may charge fees for this service to the parents. Please note similar procedures will be followed for Preschool, which closes at 4pm and is not able to provide supervision outside their hours of operation. Any Preschool students not collected by 4pm will be brought to TheirCare. Any secondary student will be directed to sit outside the Administration building and must not wander into the school or use the school playgrounds.


TheirCare strongly encourages all families with Primary or Preschool students to register with them, even if they don’t intend to book regular times. Registering ensures that if any last-minute plans change and your child needs to use the OSHC services, they have all the critical information about your child to ensure they are safe and well looked after. Parents are able to contact TheirCare directly to arrange bookings or ask questions about their services.



Our local churches have collaborated with OliveTree Media to host Karl Faase, Colin Buchanan, Peter Gibbs and Jade Steg to share stories of faith that have helped shape Australia. We’d love to encourage all families to consider coming along and bringing a friend. The event is free, but bookings are required. Unearthed is at 7:30 pm on Thursday 27 February, at The Range Function Centre. See the flyer below for more information and how to book.




Dr Rahmi Jackson,
