School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Did you know that Bairnsdale Secondary College is an SWPBS school? 


What is SWPBS?

  • School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings our school community together to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for all students.  
  • SWPBS supports our College to establish a safe and positive learning environment to increase the likelihood of positive behaviour.   
  • When SWPBS is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. 
  • Our SWPBS team has worked hard over the past year to review and update our School Wide Matrix and Behaviour Flowchart which will accompany our Values Points system and Positive Classroom Management Strategies. 

Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are our school's values that underpin our behaviour expectations.

You can check out our new positive behaviour matrix here: 


Our behaviour matrix includes broad goals for behaviour, or the general ways we would like staff and students to act. They serve as guidelines for behaviour and apply to all members of the school community, across all settings.  Our matrix was developed based on staff and student feedback and provides a vision and guide to support students to be successful.


Values Points:

Our values points system has had a slight update

  • We aim to recognise and reward students when they demonstrate positive behaviours. Staff can award students 1 values point per positive behaviour. 
  • At 20 points, an award postcard will be sent home. At 35 points, students will receive a canteen voucher. 
  • High values points earners will also have the chance to be awarded during our semesterly cupcake or donut days!

Keep your eye out for further updates from the SWPBS team!