Wurrin News - Year 9

email:   year9@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4800

School PhotosFriday 28th February
Whole School Assembly Tuesday 4th March
School Photo 'Catch up day'Wednesday 5th March
Labour Day Public HolidayMonday 10th March
NAPLANWednesday 12th March to Monday 24th March
Cross CountryWednesday 2nd April
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 3rd April and Friday 4th April

Students spent sessions learning about DNA and how it is a vital piece of evidence within investigating a crime. Students investigated how DNA can be extracted from cells so that it can be analysed. In small groups they completed a practical of extracting DNA from a strawberry. The students found it fascinating and finished their session by completing a scientific report. 

Chace, Tyler, Ryder, Caleb
Chace, Tyler, Ryder, Caleb


NAPLAN 2025: Key Information


Preparation for NAPLAN 2025 is well underway. NAPLAN is a series of assessments for all Year 7 and 9 students across Australia, designed to monitor student progress in literacy and numeracy. It is not a pass-or-fail test but provides valuable insights into student growth, curriculum effectiveness, and the quality of teaching and learning at our College.


This year, NAPLAN will take place in Term 1, from Wednesday 12th March to Monday 24th March 2025.


While participation is expected, parents and carers have the option to withdraw their child from NAPLAN testing for religious, philosophical, or educational reasons. If you are considering withdrawal, please contact the College as soon as possible to discuss the process and complete the necessary paperwork.


For more information, parents and carers can refer to the attached brochure or visit the official NAPLAN website:


🔗 NAP - Home

🔗 NAPLAN Information for Parents and Carers


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the College.


As Australian students return to school, many are not just navigating new classrooms and teachers — but also a digital world with increasingly complex challenges.


Please click on the button below for advice and tips on how to talk with your child before cyberbullying occurs, and 


School Breakfast Club is run in Wellbeing every school day from 8.00 am - 8.45 am. 

ALL students welcome!