Wurrin News - Year 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

School PhotosFriday 28th February 
Whole School Assembly Tuesday 4th March
School Photo 'Catch up day'Wednesday 5th March
Labour Day Public HolidayMonday 10th March
Year 8 Resilience campWeek of Monday 17th March
Cross CountryWednesday 2nd April
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 3rd April and Friday 4th April

Year 8 Camp

We are excited to announce the Year 8 Camp will be going ahead as 2 camps. 


Camp A will run from Monday 17th March to Wednesday 19th March. The classes attending this camp will be 8B, 8G, 8 M and 8P.


Camp B will run from Wednesday 19th March to Friday 21st March. The classes attending this camp will be 8A, 8D, 8E, 8J, and 8N.


The cost of this camp will be $280 with the option for CSEF/ Credit Balance or the School Saver Bonus for payment of this event. 


Please contact our Finance Team on 5150 4800 or via bairnsdale.sc@education.vic.gov.au


Consent forms are now live on Compass.


The camp will be run in conjunction with The Reach Foundation. Reach was created from a desire to inspire every young person to have confidence in themselves and get the most out of life. 



As Australian students return to school, many are not just navigating new classrooms and teachers — but also a digital world with increasingly complex challenges.


Please click on the button below for advice and tips on how to talk with your child before cyberbullying occurs, and