Student voice matters!

Student Leadership

Campbell Brain School Captain
Harper Hopkins School Captain
Lucinda Hart School Vice Captain
Marco Holmes School Vice Captain
Campbell Brain School Captain
Harper Hopkins School Captain
Lucinda Hart School Vice Captain
Marco Holmes School Vice Captain

Campbell Brain & Harper Hopkins

School Captains



Hey everyone! We in SRC are very excited to share with you some of our plans for the term. 

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with any of your representatives or with Campbell, Luci, Marco and I about anything you would like to see in the school. We are here to promote your voices in the decision making process of the school, and are really passionate about the issues, events and celebrations that interest you.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day is coming up on the 8th of March (though we'll be celebrating on Friday 7th). IWD is a day that strives to promote gender equality through the acknowledgement of the work of women historically and in the present day, so we can ensure a more equal future for all genders. Through our celebration of IWD we hope to raise awareness on the inequalities and disadvantages that many women face, while also celebrating the women who have fought long and hard to create a more equal society for all of us.

The theme for this year's IWD is 'Accelerate Action', a theme that pushes for urgency in the decision making around gender equality, in order that we might break down systemic barriers and encourage positive progress worldwide. One of the ways we can do this is by 'supporting the supporters', helping groups and individuals who work for gender equality, no matter how small or grassroots.

Purple ribbons will be handed out on the day, to wear as pins or put in your hair, and we encourage you to accessorise with purple (while still complying with uniform!) We are also very lucky to have some speakers volunteering with our celebrations, so keep an eye out for more information. Check Teams for some more fun activities coming to your classes or to participate in during lunch!

Harmony Day

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (known as Harmony Day in Australia) falls on March 21st every year, generally landing in the middle of Harmony Week. 

We will be celebrating Harmony Day on Monday the 24th due to Year 8 sport landing on the 21st, and it will be our casual clothes day for the term.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was created by the UN in commemoration of the Sharpeville Massacre in 1960, a shocking example of police brutality in apartheid South Africa. 

It was later renamed Harmony Day in Australia, and began to take a more positive light regarding Australia's progress in the name of racial equality. It is important to reconcile the aims of both of these days, to celebrate the steps we have taken to combat racial discrimination, and acknowledge that there is a long way left to go to completely eliminate discrimination and violence on the basis of race.

Progress in decolonisation and the dismantling of systemic racism in Australia is still an important goal to make steps towards, and we hope you join us in commemorating this significant day.


All donations this year will go towards Meals With Impact, our charity for the year. As nominated by our student representatives in SRC, Meals With Impact aims to empower women from migrant and refugee backgrounds by providing practical training in the industry of hospitality, allowing women to gain work experience in Australia for mainstream employment. Meals With Impact also helps with food relief, creating dishes from a wide range of cultural backgrounds to be distributed among local communities. Donations will be available through Compass alongside gold coin donations on the day. We hope to meet our goal of $10,000 dollars raised for this wonderful charity by the end of the year.

We encourage you to dress in traditional cultural attire or in the colour orange, and orange ribbons will be handed out at the beginning of the day, with a lot of other activities that will be detailed closer to the date.

Keep an eye out on Teams, Compass and the Brunswick Star for more information on what SRC is up to!