Year 7 Brunswick Spirit

Welcome Year 7!

Ruby Jenkins Year 7 Coordinator
Katie Simkin Year 7 Coordinator
Ruby Jenkins Year 7 Coordinator
Katie Simkin Year 7 Coordinator

Ruby Jenkins & Katie Simkin

Year 7 Coordinators


The first day of the year saw our 2025 Year 7 cohort arrive excited and ready to begin their first year of secondary school. It has been a busy few weeks as we’ve  welcomed them into the school community. 


The Junior School team have noticed a positive buzz  - the result of the fantastic organisation and effort that our Year 7 students are putting in to showing pride in themselves and in their learning. The new uniform items are on full display and looking fantastic, and the strong positive connections that the cohort have been building with one another since Day 1 are clear. 


The Year 7 participation at Swimming Carnival was amazing. Students participated in all activities, showed house pride in their outfits and stole the show with an impromptu Year 7 dance circle!


We’re all looking forward to the annual Year 7 camp at the end of this term and are so excited to have our newest students aboard at BSC. We look forward to the next six years of their company!


We asked some members of the cohort what their favourite part about BSC has been so far.

Jack Murrill

Home Group 7U

The best part about high school for me has been the Swimming Carnival. On Tuesday the 25th I went to Division swimming and did the 4x50m relay with Ted M, Flynn M and Lachy H.  We came second! It was a lot of fun.


Ariana Norman

Home Group7N

The canteen, it has the best food ever! Also sport; it is way better than primary school sport. 



Oli Ricardo

Home Group 7W

My class, coming from primary school to high school, I was very nervous as I am sure everyone else was. But when I started in my class it was very welcoming.


Milena Giuffrida

Home Group 7R

So far the swimming carnival has been the best part about high school. Except for the part where the water froze and numbed our bodies. But the sausage sizzle fixed that with it’s warming smell. Plus all the games like skipping, basketball and more and of course cheering your friends on!


Aashna Doecke

Home Group7C

The best part of high school for me has been the classes, teachers and how kind everyone has been and making some new friends!