Your contributions at work

Karen Harris



Over the summer break, a number of improvement projects (both large and small) were completed around the school, and we have been excited to see our students enjoy the benefits of these changes.






Many of the repairs and upgrades to facilities have been made possible through the use of funds from the BSC Building Fund (Build) and the BSC Library Fund (Discover), which are supported by generous donations from our families. The BSC Parents Association has also contributed significant funds towards the works, having worked hard to fundraise throughout 2024.


Key works include:


F-Block uplift [total cost $74998] 

F-Block has started 2025 with a major facelift, including a high-pressure clean, the installation of new flooring and bird netting across the entire atrium. 

Library uplift [total cost to date $12509] 

Work has also been underway to uplift and expand the space for students in the library as well as improve the functional areas for library staff. If you drop by the library, you'll notice a custom circulation desk, new tables, chairs and benches and a classroom available for quiet study. Still to come: new shelving and lounge furniture to help make the space more inviting. Special thanks to parent Edward Berry for his efforts in making this happen.

A-Block courtyard greening  

Newly planted crepe myrtles have grown well over the summer and are greening up A-Block courtyard. With an underplanting of soft grasses and flowers, these trees are already looking beautiful and as they grow will bring shade for student outdoor learning.


Improving F-Block and the library were two of the main requests identified by students in the school grounds survey, so we're so pleased to deliver these improvements.