Message from the Principal

Welcome to 2025

We have enjoyed a great start to the school year.


There have been many activities in place already, including – Outdoor Education camps, Production auditions and rehearsals, excursions, Welcome Night (for Year 7 families) and a Pathways Information Evening.   We will finish the term with some more exciting activities including our Student Leaders hosting an Inter-School Student Forum with nine other local schools and the Year 7 Camp.


In classrooms we have witnessed students being prepared and involved in the lessons activities.  Under the leadership of Anne Siciliano, the Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning groups of teachers have been completing Learning Walks with a focus on active learning.  Anne includes an article on Learning Walks later in this newsletter.


Our new uniform items and flexibility around wearing sports uniform any day, has seen a lift in our uniform standard.  We look forward to the new BSC track pants coming in soon so that all students will be prepared with uniform for Autumn weather.


Well done to all members of our school community on the fantastic start to 2025.

School Council & Parents Association

Two important and highly valued entities within our community are the School Council and the Parents' Association.  I enjoy working closely with these groups in order to maintain and improve the excellent standard of education here at BSC.


School Council 

School Council meets twice per term to oversee the good governance of our school. The school is represented on council by the Principal and Assistant Principals, along with a number of parents, community members, student representatives and School Captains working together. Nominations for seats on the BSC School Council were called for in February, via Compass Newsfeed; the nomination period is now closed. The members of the 2025/2026 School Council will be announced in the next Brunswick Star.


Parents' Association

The Parents' Association meet regularly, and provides a less formal, but very meaningful way to support the school. Members choose what activities they wish to be involved in, and can dictate the amount of time they have available for activities.  All members can contribute and discuss ideas, and initiate their own projects as well. 


The PA actively supports much needed wellbeing programs such as the Breakfast Club, provides Second-hand Uniform services, facilitates good parent social networks, connects with our Student Representative Council to promote student initiatives, and even reaches beyond the school gate to find support from our wonderful local business community. The PA also provides an avenue for connecting with other parents and is vital for building our community, providing a place of belonging for all. 


We all lead busy lives, so sharing any of these activities makes it easier for everyone, and supporting the school is actively supporting for your child's education. 


If you would like to be involved in Parents' Association, please contact Assistant Principal, Sally Goss to come on board - all are welcome.

School Tours

The School Tours schedule for prospective families is almost completed, with dedicated tours for our larger feeder primary schools being attended in record numbers.


Places remain available of our final general tour being conducted on March 11. Bookings can be made HERE.