Anaphylaxis Risk Minimisation Strategies

Anaphylaxis is a sever allergic reaction which requires immediate medical attention after exposure to an allergen.
The best way to prevent anaphylaxis is to avoid contact with the allergen which causes the reaction.
At Albanvale Primary School we implement risk minimisation strategies to provide the safest environment we can for all students. This includes:
- providing training for all staff members in identifying and responding to to anaphylaxis, including how to use an EpiPen
- discouraging students from sharing food
- reminding students and staff to regularly wash their hands
If your child has anaphylaxis reactions the school needs to be made aware of this. We must be provided with an Anaphylaxis Action Plan, filled out by your doctor, and have handed an in-date Epipen (or other adrenaline device) into the office.
For further information please read the Anaphylaxis Policy on our school website or visit the office.