Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Dear Families,
We are all systems go for Term 1, with students engaged in their learning cycles. We appreciate the collaboration we are already seeing with parents in learning outside of the classroom.
Our Grade 6 team are about to embark on their final camp of primary school. This is the first time our school has gone to 15 Mile Creek Outdoor School in North East Victoria. I really look forward to hearing all about the amazing experiences our lucky students and staff have on this trip.
School Council Nominations and Election
This year we are looking for parent nominations to join our School Council. All government schools in Victoria have a school council. School Councils are legal entities that are given powers to set the broad directions of a school in accordance with Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils and the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students. If you would like more details regarding the election or what being on School Council involves please come see the office.
Safety at School Drop Off
I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that at drop off and pick up it is incredibly important that all members of the community continue to follow normal road rules. We are getting increasing feedback from immediate members of the Albanvale community of unsafe behaviour, including u-turns from the drop off bay and mobile phone use while driving.
I also want to remind parents if their children ride or scoot to school they must wear a helmet. A helmet may only be useful once, but that one time will be the most important time.
Supporting Better Learning for kids in the Pacific
With our Grade 3 to 6 classrooms getting a furniture refresh we wanted to make sure our pre-loved furniture was getting rehomed as responsibly as possible. Yesterday, with the help of students, staff, volunteers and the team at Pacific Assist, we filled a container with tables, chairs, stationary and messages from our students. Pacific Assist will ship the container to Papua New Guinea and work with schools to give students the best chance of success. Approximately 80% of students in PNG currently learn in classrooms without tables and chairs, so I am sure Albanvale PS's donation will make a difference in many children's lives.
Michael Uzunovski
Albanvale Primary School