Principal's Message

Dear Families,


As we move through the first half of Term 1, I want to take a moment to thank our school community for your ongoing support. It has been a fantastic start to the year, and we appreciate the efforts of students, parents, and staff in ensuring a smooth and positive return to learning.


Best Wishes to Ms. Beare

This week, Ms. Beare will be undergoing knee surgery, and we send her our best wishes for a smooth procedure and a speedy recovery. We look forward to welcoming her back once she is feeling better.


Thank You for a Great Start to the Term

A huge thank you to our families for your support in making the first half of the term a success. Your efforts in preparing students for school each day, ensuring they arrive on time, and supporting their learning at home have made a real difference. We appreciate the partnership we have with you all.


Early Access to School Grounds 

We greatly appreciate our families taking the time to enjoy our school grounds while waiting for students to be dismissed at the end of the school day. However, we must also ensure that we are meeting the Department of Education's Child Safety and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements.

To support these safety measures, parents and guardians are not permitted to access the school grounds before 2:30 pm unless they have signed in at the office. This process ensures that we have an accurate record of all visitors on-site in the event of an emergency and for compliance with Child Safe Standards.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and secure environment for all students, staff, and visitors.


Labour Day Public Holiday  Monday, March 10

A friendly reminder that this coming Monday is the Labour Day public holiday. There will be no school on this day, and we hope everyone enjoys the extra time with family and friends.


Wrapper Free Lunches

We continue to encourage wrapper free lunchboxes to help reduce waste and keep our schoolyard clean. If a food item does come in a wrapper, we kindly ask that students unwrap it before heading outside. Your support in this initiative helps us create a more sustainable and litter-free environment for everyone.


Attendance & Punctuality

It has been fantastic to see so many students arriving on time and attending school consistently. A strong start to the year sets up great habits for learning. Just a reminder that school starts promptly at 8:45 am. We encourage all students to arrive by 8:40 am so they can line up with their classmates and be ready for a great day of learning.


Uniform - Labelling Items


As we settle into the school year, we ask families to please check that all items of school uniform are clearly named. This helps us return lost items to their owners quickly and reduces the number of lost property items left unclaimed.


NAPLAN Begins Wednesday, March 12

A reminder to all Year 3 and Year 5 families that NAPLAN testing will commence next Wednesday, March 12. We encourage all students to try their best, take their time, and approach the assessments with confidence. Good luck to all of our students participating!


Easter Raffle - Out of Uniform Day (Tuesday, March 18)


On Tuesday, March 18, we will be holding a special Out of Uniform Day. Instead of a gold coin donation, we ask all students to bring in an Easter egg to contribute towards our Easter Raffle prizes. The raffle is always a much-loved event in our school community, and your donations help make it a big success.


Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another great few weeks ahead!


Have a great fortnight!

Mel and Kate