Religious Education

Mrs Laura Gilbert, Pathways Middle Leader

As part of the Year 10 Religion and Ethics program during Term 1, students actively engaged in the study of various world religions and spiritual practices. Throughout the unit, they participated in practical activities aimed at deepening their understanding of diverse belief systems and rituals.


Students participated in the creation of Mandalas, geometric patterns with spiritual significance in Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. They explored the symbolism behind Mandalas and practiced creating their own, reflecting on the meditative aspects of this art form.

Additionally, students analysed ritual practices from different religions, such as the Seder Meal in Judaism. Through this analysis, they gained insights into the religious significance of this ritual, the symbolism of the foods utilised and how they communicate the history and beliefs of the Jewish tradition, particularly regarding the Exodus story.  Students then considered how deepening their understanding of this ritual also enriched the meaning of the Christian celebration of the Eucharist.

By participating in activities such as these, students gained practical insights into the rituals and practices that shape various belief systems, practising both empathy and respect for different religions, as well as coming to a deeper understanding of their own traditions.


Laura Gilbert | Middle Leader Religious Education