Student News

Walk this Way Project
Wendy from Loddon Shire and Healthy Loddon Campaspe came to our school to talk to the students about the Walk This Way project. The project focuses on activating a walking loop in town with fun activity stickers on the footpaths, which will encourage children, families and the community to walk more often. There will also be more outdoor seating installed on the walking loop. The children got to vote on their favourite activity and the top 3 activities will be installed on the footpaths. The project is funded and supported by the Department of Health and Loddon Shire.
Integrated Curriculum Units
Our focus in ICU this term is History. The F-2s are looking at how things such as toys, games and technology have changed from the past to the present. They will look at the history of a significant person, building, site or part of the natural environment in their local community and what it reveals about the past.
"I made a timeline about my life from when I was a baby to now. I drew pictures about my future and past and present." - Nakodah, Year 1
The Year 3/4s are researching the diversity and longevity of Australia’s first peoples and the significant ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected to Country and Place (land, sea, waterways and skies) and the effects on their daily lives. They will explore some of our early navigators and explorers to create an informative poster about one, and their influence on Australian settlement.
"I have learnt that in North East Arnhem land the Aborigines have been there for over 80 000 years, and are still here today." - Lucy, Year 4
Year 5/6 are investigating the reasons for the founding and development of the Australian Colonies. They will research what life was like in the colonies, evaluating the daily lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the 1800s and the diverse nature of their relationships with the European settlers.
"We are learning about English Settlers and their way of life in early Australia." - Fin, Year 5
Swimming & Gymnastics
Every Friday for the past four weeks, we have been attending the Peter Krenz Swimming Pool and Jets Gymnastics. We have had so much fun already learning about the different strokes required in the pool and how to be safe when we might find ourselves in a tricky situation.
At gymnastics, we have been focusing on our balancing, core strength and developing movement sequences. We have already had so much fun at gym and swimming and we cannot wait for our final two sessions. Remember that if you are going to be picking up your child from either swimming or gymnastics you are required to ring the school so we can mark off who your child is with.
Sandhurst and Goldfields Division Swimming Championships
On Monday the 4th of March, I went to the Bendigo East Pool to represent St Mary's Primary School in the Sandhurst and Goldfields swimming championships. I had to wait to get into my group. They called my name into the first group, which was the 50-meter freestyle. When I went to compete in my race the lady running the event didn't say on your marks get - go, instead it was just the beeper. They then had to put the rope down and stop us. We all had to get out of the pool and I was freezing. We then had to wait for the next race to run. Next, it was finally my go again. I felt pretty happy that I had just competed in the race and with how I went. I did not win the race, which is okay because I still had fun.
By Kiarah McEwan, Year 4
School Assembly
Last Friday, the student leadership team ran their first assembly, during which we learned about their new leadership roles and what they plan to bring to the school community and how they will help others through fundraising efforts and special themed days.
Students received their Loddon Australia Day Competition participation certificates for the entries submitted at the end of last year were given to students. Winners for the individual categories will be announced at a later date.
Class Awards
Achilles Hywood- for his enthusiasm and willingness to participate in all aspects of school life.
Emmett- for his outstanding organisational skills and being ready to learn every day.
Nano Nagle Award-
Olivia Morrison- for showing her leadership values in all areas of the school.