School News



Name: Achilles Hywood

Hobbies: I like playing with my brother Doni and our dog Healy.

What do you like about St Mary’s?

I like playing outside with everyone and going to gym and swimming. I also like maths with Ibu Cath.

Favourite Book/Music

Edmund went Splash by Dianna Noonan

What are you looking forward to in 2024? I'm not sure 

Something interesting about me: My dad used to go to St Mary's, and he has lots of really old pictures from when he was here in a draw at home.





Arts Building Opening: Like an episode from The Block, the clock is running to get our long-awaited official opening of the Arts Building (convent).  The builders have told us six weeks, and with much anticipation, we can't wait!  


New Fence

Students and staff alike are pleased with the new fence, which went in on Tuesday—a small initiative to enhance the property's aesthetic and functional aspects. In the coming weeks, irrigation works will commence to allow us to keep our front garden healthy all year round. 



Swimming - Kiarah 

Congratulations Kiarah, who competed in the Loddon Mallee Region Division Swimming Competition at Bendigo East Swimming Pool today. 


Kiarah was the first candidate from St Mary’s to join the competition since pre-covid years. Although she didn’t receive a gold medal, she competed with spirit and finished with a smile on her face. 


Well done, Kiarah!








St Mary's Sport

On the 22nd of March, we have our Junior Fun Day and Cross Country, If you are available at any time, we need parents to help out with being on point duty. Point duty is where you will be given a spot along the cross-country track, and you are a point of need if any of the students within the Loddon Calder District need assistance throughout their run. 

If you can assist, that would be greatly appreciated. Please call the school on 54383 075 or email me at Volunteers will need to have a current working with children's check. 


Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The Victorian Government provides support to families to cover the cost of extra curricular activities such as school camps and excursions.


If you hold a current Centrelink Health Care card, you are eligible to apply. If successful, the government will pay $150 directly to the school for each student. This payment will be allocated towards camps and excursion costs for your child.


If you have not already done so, please let the office know if you are eligible.