Catholic Identity

Gospel John 2: 13-25
Standing at the heart of the holy city of Jerusalem, the temple was the political, economic, cultural, and religious centre of the nation. In this passage, as Jesus enters the temple, he is confronted by exploitation within its walls. The sight of money changers and merchants turning a place of worship into a marketplace evokes a passionate response from Jesus. He overturns tables and drives out those who have turned the sacred space into a place of thieves.
This bible passage also sheds light on what awaits Jesus as, when questioned, Jesus speaks of destroying and rebuilding the temple in three days. This points towards his death and resurrection, symbolising the transformation of the physical temple into a spiritual reality centred on Christ himself. In the third week of Lent, the temple cleansing challenges us to reflect on our own lives and the spaces we consider sacred, urging us to ensure that our hearts and actions align with the principles of love, justice, and devotion.
As part of our Caritas initiative, students receivde a special compassion box. Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant difference, fostering a sense of unity and purpose within our student community. The funds raised through Caritas Project Compassion will be directed towards impactful projects that touch the lives of those in need.
This week, students looked at the life of Memory, 26 years old who lives in rural Malawi. With the changing climate making it difficult to grow enough food, poverty levels remain high in Malawi. Nearly 70 per cent of the population live on less than $2.15 a day. As the eldest of 5 children, Memory had to support her family with chores such as farming, carrying water, cooking and cleaning, and attending school. Caritas Australia’s partner, CADECOM, supported Memory with her course and boarding fees through a program called A+. The program has provided opportunities for more than 360 youth to be empowered through job skills such as welding, carpentry, tailoring and bricklaying.
Since 2016, the A+ program has supported 7,397 households to improve food security, provide access to basic water and sanitation, and increase women’s income. With the income from her carpentry job, Memory can now provide some financial support to her parents. You can view her video below.
Fund Raising Initiatives
Icy Poles Sales - Begins this Thursday and will be available every Wednesday and Friday.
Crazy Clothes Day - Mon 18th March - gold coin donation
Movie Night - Wed 27th March 6:00 pm
St Mary's will have a Tapitas Water Wall with a picture of a tap at the top and water droplets cascading down. For each donation of $5, a droplet of water will be added.
Number of droplets earned: 1