3/4 Area

 Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Samira Abou-Eid, Natasha McKenna and Monique Jones

Planning Week 

This week at school has been planning week meaning we have had a different specialist timetable. The 3/4 team spent Tuesday having a rotation day. Some of the activities we participated in were Phonics Word Games, oral language activities, a Digi-tech lesson, T-Ball training, and a Cultural activity. It was nice to have the day working with different children and doing fun activities! 




The Resilience Project

During Term 1 we have continued our work on the Resilience Project. We have spent time talking and acknowledging Gratitude- people and things we are grateful for, as well as Empathy and understanding what it means to have empathy. Here are some examples of what we have been doing... 


Students have defined empathy as: 

  • Thinking about how you would feel if you were in that position
  • Knowing that you can be kind and have empathy to treat people fairly
  • Being aware of other people's feelings and responses to emotions