Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef and Mrs Josie Stocchero

Teddy Bear Picnic 🐻

The Preps were able to celebrate their annual teddy bear picnic with their buddies a couple of weeks ago. However, throughout the day they were able to take part in different activities that included teddies throughout their day! The Preps learnt how to draw their own teddy bears. made teddy crowns, sung 'Rock-a-bye Your Bear' and read the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt!".

Photos from our picnic with out buddies can be found on the next page! 

Writing ✏️

Our Preps have been working exceptionally hard to learn all of their alphabet sounds and developing their confidence to experiment using them when writing. We LOVE interactive writing in the early stages of writing. 



In Reading, the Preps have been learning that the words and pictures in a text work together to add meaning. They have been learning about the concepts of print, which way we read, how to point to the words and different features of a book. It has been fantastic to see so many students trying their best and wanting to be fantastic readers. 

🔵🟢 Maths 🔵🟢

In Maths this week, we have been learning to sort into different categories whether that be by colours, shape, size, animal or insect. We have also been learning about patterns, what they are and how they can be made. 



📣 Reminders 📣

Term One has been a crazy busy term with lots of firsts for our Preps. Now that they are full time it is important to establish a routine that works for you and your family. There are a few school reminders I would like to remind everyone of for Term 2.

  • Brain Food - all students have brain food at school each day, this is an extra, very quick eating time for students to have either fruit or vegetables throughout the day. 
  • Home Readers - home readers are changed every Monday. If Monday is a public holiday, these will be changed on the Tuesday. All students should be reading every night.
  • High Frequency Words (Set Words) - each student has been given a testing day and will be tested on this day (unless other arrangements have been made). Please ensure students are learning their words and revising them each night.
  • Label all clothing please! Jackets, hats, polos, you name it! Anything that can be removed please clearly label with first and last names this way it can we returned to you/your child if misplaced. 
  • Seesaw - please check Seesaw to see students work / messages from teachers. We love sharing what students are up to at school and we love sharing with students when their family like



Prep B had a great time at the colour run. 

It was lots of fun and we really liked the zooper dooper at the end.




PMP: Perceptual Motor Program


Thank you to our parent volunteers who come along every week to help with our PMP program. 

The Perceptual Motor Program, in line with the Victorian Curriculum, provides opportunities for students to:

  • Develop a range of fundamental movement skills, providing the foundation for a range of physical activities including locomotor and non-locomotor skills, such as crawling, balancing and hopping.
  • Practise hand-eye coordination skills, locomotion skills, eye-tracking skills, balancing skills and fitness skills.
  • Build a PMP vocabulary and practise language such as forwards, backwards and along, showing these movements using equipmentThis program is to further develop students hand /eye coordination, balance and to strengthen their left and right and basic skills. There is research that state that if children have good  PMP skills this will also be reflected in their academic abilities.