

Mrs Rowena Lytton

What a great start to the year!


Pascoe Vale North Primary has been settling in and learning more about each other,  fostering new friendships, and deepening our understanding of the diversity our wonderful school has.


In our final week of school, it is important to continue to show respect to each other even when it gets difficult. Students are tired after a lot of learning, many of our students are observing Ramadan and are fasting and we are all ready for a relaxing break. Friends may be finding it more difficult to negotiate playtime, and feel more irritable than usual and it is important to remind them to find a space to step back and take some time away from frustrating situations. 



What can you do at home?


Talk to your child about how they are feeling. Are they still enjoying time with their friends or are they ready for a break. Remind them that stepping back and taking some time away from their friends can make their friendship stronger and avoid fights. 


Encourage your child to talk about things they like about themselves, their friends and school. While talking to your child about conflicts, discuss where/ how to seek help and who they can trust.