Premiers' Reading Challenge


Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge


The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (PRC) is now open and Pascoe Vale North Primary School is excited to be participating. We have a dedicated section in the school library with books from the challenge list. They are separated into P-2, 3-4 & 5-6 to assist the students' selections during library time. 


The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by the 30th August 2024.


Children in Prep to Grade 2 will complete the challenge in class to read or ‘experience’ 30 books with their teachers. There is no need for these students to return the form to participate in class. Students only need to return the participation form if they would like to read beyond the minimum requirements at home and you would like to enter the books on the official website. 

Children from Year 3 to Year 6 are challenged to read 15 books. This will be completed independently and can include a combination of at school and home reading. To meet the PRC requirements, children need to read 10 challenge list books and can choose 5 free choice books. 


All children who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement in Term 4 signed by the Victorian Premier.


For more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, please visit: It will be updated in the coming months. 


If your child would like to participate in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge, please complete the slip below and return it to their classroom teacher so they can be set up. Students will receive a unique username and password details once they have been registered. 


Happy reading, 

Amanda Johnson

Premiers’ Reading Challenge Coordinator


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I would like my child ____________________________________ in Class _______________

to participate in the 2024  Premiers’ Reading Challenge.                                   

Signed _______________________________________  Date _________________________