RHPS Community News

Clean Up Australia Day 2024

On Monday 4th March, the whole school participated in Clean Up Australia Day. Right from Prep to Grade 5/6 the students wore gloves, carried buckets, tongs and bags and collected litter from all around our school grounds. They did an awesome job and by the end of the day, our school environment looked beautiful and clean. Well done everyone, let’s keep it that way!


Our Grade 5/6 student leaders had a special role to fulfill this year. They headed out of school with their awesome teachers, and walked to Balcombe Reserve on Landscape Drive. Here, they worked as a team, to remove litter from this important community space and left the reserve looking amazing. Well done to our older students, great job!


Grade One were super excited to meet with their Grade Six Buddies this week. They chatted about how we can keep Australia clean and beautiful. They worked together to make pledges which will keep our amazing environment clean and litter free. 


Let’s remember to recycle, reduceand re-use, it’s an easy way to preserve the Earth’s resources and keep Australia beautiful!   

Student Representative Council News


Congratulations to the following students who have all been elected or chosen to represent their class as a Student Representative Council Member. It is wonderful to be recognised by teachers or peers as a responsible and reliable student who is willing to use their student voice to make changes.

The SRC have already had their first meeting. They all introduced themselves and got to know each other a little better. They discussed the role of the SRC at Rolling Hills Primary School and agreed that they will use their student voice to make positive changes in our school, as well as organise termly fundraisers. 


Their first job was to meet with Tara, from our wonderful P&F committee to select some presents for our upcoming Mother’s Day Stall. The reps had fun choosing items suitable for fabulous Mums and Special People. 


Look out for more news from the hardworking Student Representative Council @ RHPS!