Physical Education and Sport

House Athletics Carnival

The sun was well and truly shining for our annual House Athletics Carnival on Wednesday the 6th of March! The main focus was having fun, having a go and putting into practice all of the learning from PE so far this year.


A HUGE thank you to the parents and family members who helped on the day! The generosity of your time is truly appreciated! Thank you to the staff for their assistance and support with the running of the day. 


Finally, WELL DONE to our fabulous students! The effort and encouragement on the day was outstanding! Results were as follows:

1st – Bradman – 595 points

2nd – Freeman – 575 points

3rd – Rafter – 560 points

4th – Thorpe – 470 points


Well done BRADMAN!!!


Congratulations to Chelsea, who represented the Montrose District at the Yarra Division Swimming Carnival on Wednesday the 6th of March (after running at our Athletics Carnival first). Chelsea swam amazingly and won both her races – 50m freestyle and 50m butterfly. What a fantastic effort! We wish Chelsea luck at the Eastern Metropolitan Region Swimming Championships on the 22nd of March.

Interschool Sport

Congratulations to our Grade 5/6 students who participated in the District Summer Sports Gala Day on Friday the 1st of March. All students showed exceptional sportsmanship and teamwork on the day across the four sports: cricket, hot shots tennis, softball and volleyball. A special mention to our girls volleyball and girls softball teams who won and will now compete at the Yarra Division finals later this year.


Thank you to our parent volunteers for their help with our 9 teams on the day. We are only able to enter this large number of teams, and maximise student participation, because of your support!

Important Dates


Tuesday 23rd – District tennis (selected 5/6 students)

Tuesday 30th – Whole School Cross Country (TBC)



Monday 6th – Grade 5/6 Girls AFL Gala Day (selected 5/6 girls)

Friday 24th – District Cross Country (selected 3-6 students from our School carnival)


Kind regards,

Mel Layton

Physical Education Teacher & Sport Coordinator