Parent & Friends Community

Hello RHPS families,


Ladies Night

What a great night!  It was brilliant to see lots of ladies join us on Saturday night at the York Collective.  We all met new people, had lots of laughs, fantastic pizza and maybe a few drinks here or there.  

A great opportunity to meet each other outside of the rush of school run and actually get to know one another.  Keep an eye out later this year for another event.   

Enormous thankyou to Chelsie and Tanya for all the planning and ticketing, and the rest of the P&F team for the brainstorming when it was crunch time.  We've had such great feedback we will aim to hold another event in Term 3.  Watch this space 🍸


Easter Raffle

We would love some donations such as Easter eggs, easter craft, donations and anything 'Eastery' to help us make up some prizes.  We will have a tub at the office if you would like to donate, it will be out until Wednesday 20th March.  There are some fantastic tickets to Mr Snotbottom's show to giveaway.  Check out the last page of the newsletter for more info.   

Prizes drawn Wednesday 27th March 2024.


Mother's Day Stall

The P&F have been very busy selecting lots of lovely gifts for our Mother's Day Stall.  The most exciting input was received from the Student Representative Council - lots of circling and highlighting and ticking was happening in that meeting.  

Save the date for Wednesday 8th May as we would love volunteers to help at the stall on the day.  The roster will come out very soon!

Coming Soon:

Mother's Day Stall - Wednesday 8th May 2024

Men's Night - Date to be confirmed

Kids Disco - Term 2, Date to be confirmed

Tracy Lynch Photography - November 2024

Plus more to come.................

How to contact the P&F community? 

You can leave a message with the office staff or just email the P&F directly at: pf.rhps.3138@gmail.com


There is Committee information and also membership forms available at the office. 



The P&F Community