Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,


Athletics Day.

Thank you to Laura Hicks for her excellent organisation of the day! It is a huge task to sort out events, group students, organise instructions for all events, work out the timetable, book buses etc, thank you Laura! Also a big thank you to our wonderful staff for keeping an eye on all students while also running events.

A big pat on the back to our students for their excellent 'have a go' attitude and their encouragement of others. It was lovely to see so many families there to cheer on, not only their own children but any of our students who needed a boost.

After a big school event, we always spend some time reflecting on the successes and challenges so we can improve how the day runs. We would love your input so please take a minute to complete this short survey- https://forms.gle/UGmAj457Q6m9zzgh9  


Our 2024 Student leaders.

A big congratulations to all our students who applied for a leadership position and well done to our successful 2024 student leaders! I am looking forward to working with them to keep our school being the best it can be!

School Captains: Audrey and Russell.

Vice Captains: Georgia and Theo.

SLC: Manny, Sidney, Reuben, Lexi, Toby, Quinn, Milla and Louis.

Technology: Sienna.

Library: Gypsy.

House Captains-

Coliban: Kurt and Sienna

Fortuna: Olivia and Zoe

Goldminers: Alexis and Darcy

Ironbark: Claire and Abigail.

Choir Captain: Tilly.


Our expected behaviours at Bendigo PS.


School Council elections.

Nomination forms are now available from the office. I hope some of you are keen to join our school council and will be calling in to fill out a form!


Have an enjoyable and safe long weekend!

Warm regards,



School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.