Going Green

Going Green News
Welcome to Anne Hostein our new Year 6 teacher who will join the GOING GREEN Team.
She has applied for a grant for some new garden beds so we await with green thumbs crossed!! Welcome aboard Anne!
Our Lids4Kids will start again this year. We collected 17,000 lids last year!
They are VERY strict on clean lids and they must have the little white foam piece removed!
Year 5 students will sort the lids. Thanks to Cindi and Alicia for coordination. They are VERY STRICT that only certain lids are accepted:
A new scheme starting soon is the Container Deposit Scheme
Are you recycling your 10c cans and containers? We are ‘nearly’ registered as a charity to donate to at the Cheltenham (CDS 144 Talinga Road, Cheltenham , VIC 3192) and other depots. I will soon publish a code and your donation will go to HPS for our new GOING GREENER quadrangle project. We will have planter boxes on wheels in the quad to get it looking all green. These will be able to be wheeled away for assemblies but will enhance the area when assembly is not on.
We will also have new PURPLE CDS bins from ‘RETURNIT’ where the public can put their cans and eligible containers in the front carpark. A company will come and collect our full bins and we will get the 10c donation money.
7-11 Coffee Cup Recycle
Please take advantage of our recycle receptacles around the school for take away cups and lids. No other containers please or the whole sack is contaminated!
What is Nude Food?
Nude food means sending food to school without wrappers. Try getting a nude food lunch box which has little compartments for food without needing Glad Wrap. These can be purchased from Woolworths or BIG W.
Here are some Green Warriors with their Nude Food.
Try getting Beeswax wrappers for sandwiches and wraps: https://honeybeewrap.com.au/
Please remember our canteen has no more cutlery or straws. These should be brought from home. Here is a link:
We no longer offer sauce sachets or soy sauce fish. Large class containers are in every classroom and will be refilled by the canteen. We save 1000 pieces of plastic cutlery straws per month!
Do you have any green suggestions? Please email me at
Tracy.Cenedese@education.vic.gov.au with any ideas so we can have a school
of ELF students! (Environmental Leaders of the Future)
Traci Cenedese
Head of Sustainability