Principal News


NAPLAN is an annual National Literacy and Numeracy assessment sat by students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. This year NAPLAN testing will take place in Term 1 commencing on Wednesday 13 March and concluding on Monday 25 March. Key NAPLAN dates and a breakdown of the testing timetable are available to be viewed here


Below is the NAPLAN timetable for our school. Students absent on testing days will be afforded catch-up sessions up until Monday 25 March.


For further information regarding NAPLAN 2024, please access the PDF below, or contact your child's classroom teacher.



Kiss and Go - Ensuring Community Safety

The 'Kiss and Go' signage installed on Silver St last year was designed to improve community safety, in particular student safety during the busy 3.30pm pick-up period. Unfortunately, several parents/carers are continuing to park in these spaces for durations well beyond the designated 2-minute limit. The Kingston Council has provided some information below for your reference. Due to increased safety concerns, the council has also advised that their law enforcement team will be patrolling this area during pick-up periods. In addition, we will be reinforcing with students the importance of using our many manned school crossings at all times. We ask families to continue this conversation at home.


CEPS Community Picnic

The 2024 CEPS Community Picnic was a wonderful event, filled with fun games and delicious food. Thank you firstly to our amazing Year 6 students for planning and delivering an array of 'old school' games. Students from F-5 (and some parents/carers) enjoyed participating in activities such as 'sack races' and 'bean bag toss'. This success can also be attributed to the support of our dedicated Year 6 teachers, Mr. Packham and Miss Boucher. 


A big shout out to our amazing 'Parents Committee' who provided a mouthwatering sausage sizzle, cold drinks, and delicious donuts. We are blessed to have such a committed and dedicated group of parents/carers who happily support these events. Your support is deeply appreciated. The warm afternoon was made even more enjoyable by the presence of an ice-cream van. 


Thank you also to Team Kids for organising some engaging games and a craft table. Your commitment to our school community is highly valued. 


Finally, I again extend my thanks to all the families, friends, staff, and students who attended the event. It was wonderful to see the high level of social connection that is synonymous with our CEPS community. A wonderful opportunity to unite together as we embark on an exciting 2024.

New Passive Play Space

Last week we were excited to finally announce the opening of our brand-new passive play space, an extension of our current eating area, designed to cultivate a calm and imaginative atmosphere for our students during break times. 


This project was possible thanks to both a successful funding grant and the fundraising efforts of our Parents Committee. We are extremely grateful and appreciative of the Parents Committee for helping us financially realise the completion of this project. Unfortunately, a couple of the fixed structures built were not as we had hoped for. As a result, these have been removed and we will now spend some time investigating and considering alternate structures that will better engage our students.


In this space, students will find a designated zone for quiet and imaginative play, encouraging activities that spark creativity and foster social connections. Surrounded by preserved natural surroundings, including trees, rocks, plants, and greenery, the area provides a peaceful environment for all to enjoy. A highlight of the new space is the addition of a sand pit, where students can channel their creativity, building castles, digging tunnels, and creating their own mini worlds in the sand. To maintain this space we kindly ask students to refrain from running or playing ball games in the area. 


We invite students, parents, and carers to explore our new passive play space together, whether during break times or before/after school. Your involvement is key to making this addition a success, and we're again grateful to everyone who has contributed to making this project a reality. We look forward to seeing our students thrive and flourish in their new play space!


Term 1 Community Working Bee

We're excited to invite you to join us for our Term 1 CEPS Community Working Bee on Saturday, March 23rd, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. This is a fantastic opportunity for our school community to come together and make a positive impact on our school.


What's Involved:


We have a variety of tasks planned for the day, including:


General Garden Maintenance: Help us spruce up our school grounds by weeding, planting, and tidying garden beds.


Painting: We'll be refreshing some areas around the school with a fresh coat of paint. If you have painting skills or are willing to lend a hand, we'd love to have you join us.


Other General Maintenance Works: From minor repairs to general clean-up tasks, there will be plenty to do to ensure our school is looking its best.


Why Volunteer:

Participating in our Community Working Bee is a wonderful way to give back to our school and community. By volunteering your time, you'll be helping to maintain our welcoming environment for our students, staff, and visitors to enjoy.


How to Get Involved:

Just turn up, there is no need to register your attendance beforehand.


Important Details:

  • Date: Saturday, March 23rd
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

We're looking forward to a fun and productive day, and we hope to see many of you there. Thank you in advance for your support and dedication to making our school a better place for everyone. If you have any tools that may be useful on the day, feel free to bring them along.



Warm regards,

