From Our Assistant Principal 

Assistant Principal Selen Atilla shares the news and what is coming up towards the end of term one.

Assistant Principal Selen Atilla March News

Families may have noticed some changes in our student award recognition process. 

The former Quick Notes awards system has been refined and renamed and now includes the college values of Imagination, Belief and Courage. Students are recognised for displaying our values daily both in and outside of the classroom and we are proud to share this information with our families immediately via the Compass portal. 

I personally am enjoying seeing the number of students being recognised for showing our college values and am excited to be sharing this with our families prior to assemblies.

The college has also refined its reporting process so that families and students can view the outcomes of tasks as soon as they are available and will not have to wait until semester reports to view student outcomes. You will find each learning task under the ‘Learning Tasks’ tab for every subject. If you would like support in finding learning tasks on Compass, please ask one of our staff at parent-teacher conferences on Tuesday 19th March and we will show you how to access your child’s learning data. We look forward to seeing many families on this important day. 

For our new families, note that classes do not run on this day and students are expected to attend conferences with their families to engage in conversations regarding their progress at school to date. Appointments can be made on Compass and by phone if you are having difficulties using Compass.


Congratulations to all students who participated in activities at the LNSC Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 27th February. The weather held up for us and it was wonderful to see many of our students attend this important event. Thank you to Mr. Danny Hiscoke (Interschool Sports Coordinator) and his team for organising this event. Congratulations to all the Year 12 students for taking the opportunity to dress-up on this day. 


I would also like to acknowledge Mr. Enis Tuncer (Director of Community Links) and the PE team for their work in engaging our students in the College’s Elite Sports Program. I see many of our students starting their day at 7.30 am with the team participating in some elite sports training. Congratulations to you all. I acknowledge your commitment and dedication towards improving your health and fitness and for promoting and encouraging others also. I hear positive stories and am loving the work.


It is also great to hear that Eren has joined us from SEDA College and is being mentored by Mr. Tuncer and the PE staff as part of his training program. Welcome Eren to LNSC and we look forward to working with you and are excited that our students are being provided with the opportunity to learn from you. 


Thank you also to all staff who have been running other programs for our students. Ms. Jade Thorsen, and Ms. Dorothy Cheale are hosting the Lunch-time Arts and Maths clubs. I hear that Breakfast Club with Ms. Kathy Boca has also been a busy place! Mr. Matt Tucker and the Year 9 Dynamic Learning team have also been out and about learning through real world experiences. Ms. Sue Brownbill has been busy organising Careers expos. Congratulations to all engaged students who have engaged in these unique learning experiences. 


A special invitation to our first College Assembly…

Our first College Assembly is scheduled for Wednesday 20th March. Assembly will commence at 9am in the College Gym. We will be celebrating engagement and learning at LNSC. During this assembly we will also welcome our international students from Japan and their teachers who will be spending one week with us. We feel privileged that they have chosen to travel across the world to spend time at Lalor North! Please contact the college and RSVP if you would like to join us for assembly. We invite our families to join us for a coffee and chat at 8.30 am prior to the assembly.


Remainder of term dates to note in your calendar. 

Tuesday 19th March – Conferences

Wednesday 20th March – 8:30 am coffee and chat with Principal team followed by 9am Assembly

Thursday 21st March - Harmony D

Monday 25th March - 6:00pm Information Evening for New Families

Tuesday 26th March – School Photos (more information below)

Thursday 28th March – Last day of term, 2.05 pm dismissal

Hope to see you all at Assembly on Wednesday 20th March 😊