Student Wellbeing

Term 2
Welcome back to our students, staff and community members for Term 2. Although this is a longer term of 11 weeks, there are many exciting things that are being planned!!
SRC Meeting
This week we held our first SRC meeting for the term. Classes were asked to discuss what is going well for Concord School and identify a wish for change, using a Two Stars and a Wish template. The SRC reps shared many wonderful ideas and we will see what can be incorporated throughout the year. We are all also very excited to be attending the SRC Leadership Camp at the start of June at Camp DOXA in Malmsbury, where we will be developing our teamwork, communication and initiative skills.
Please enjoy the minutes of our meeting.
Supporting your Child to Stay Safe Online
While social media conflicts are most often not a school-based issue, we understand that these issues can impact the day-to-day lives of our students. Our school counsellors and teachers speak with students regularly about both the positive and negative experiences of social media use, but unfortunately there are limitations as to what staff can do to mitigate negative social media experiences without the crucial guidance, awareness and leadership of parents and carers in the home. Concord School educates students on the risks associated with social media use via our social competency curriculum.
Please find below some resources that can help you support your child to navigate being online.
Strategies on keeping young people safe online:
The hard-to-have conversations | eSafety Commissioner
For explicit images that have been distributed by others you can get them taken down:
Sexting and the impacts on young people | Kids Helpline
Sending nudes and sexting | eSafety Commissioner
Online Bullying resources:
Bullying online | eSafety Commissioner
Foodbank Partnership
Bronwyn Hart
Assistant Principal
Student Wellbeing & Engagement