Teaching and Learning

Term 2
It has been a wonderful start to the term with the exciting opening of the new building and the demolition of the old building. We would like to acknowledge the students, staff and families for their flexibility and understanding throughout this time. Already this term there have been many students taking learning beyond the classrooms through section excursions, VET programs, statewide sporting events, 7/8 Spectacular rehearsals and State Schools Spectacular rehearsals. It is wonderful to see our students thriving in a range of different activities both at school and in our local community.
Education Week - Open Morning
Tuesday 14th May 9.30am - 10.30am
This year, Education Week runs from Monday 13 May to Friday 17 May. The theme, Spotlight on STEM, celebrates the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond.
Concord School will be celebrating Education Week by holding an Open Morning on Tuesday 14th May from 9.30-10.30am at Bundoora and Watsonia , where students can showcase the wonderful learning that they do each and every day. Parents, carers, grandparents and special friends are invited to visit their child’s classroom, participate in fun, hands-on STEM based classroom activities, and bring along a morning snack to enjoy together in their classrooms.
All visitors are to come to the Main Office area and will be directed to the appropriate section. Please keep an eye out on Compass for further information closer to the date.
Berry Street Education Model
On the first day of Term 2, staff participated in Day 3 of the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) training. The domains within the Berry Street Education Model are Body, Relationship, Stamina & Engagement, and Character. The focus for the Curriculum Day was all about the Stamina & Engagement domain, building on the learning from the previous domains. The final day for the BSEM training is early Term 3.
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)