Winter Uniform Information

Winter School Uniform (Term 2 & 3)
From the beginning of term 2 students will be required to wear their full winter school uniform. Please see the below list of uniform items that may be worn during this time. There are many items available at our second hand uniform shop - please come in and have a look and we're happy to help out.
Girls -
Pinafore - Gordon check tartan
Trousers - Long grey gabardine pants (no jeans)
Shirt - Gold polo shirt (long or short sleeve).
Jumper - Bottle Green, Woolen jumper with school logo.
Tights - Bottle green
Socks - Plain white or St Patrick’s socks
Shoes - Black (must be all black)
Hair accessories - Green or gold ribbons; Green, gold or white hair bands.
Boys -
Trousers - Long grey gabardine pants (no shorts or jeans)
Jumper - Bottle Green, Woolen jumper with school logo.
Shirt - Gold polo shirt (long or short sleeve).
Socks - Grey
Shoes - Black (must be all black)
Sports Uniform Boys & Girls
Tracksuit pants - Bottle green (shorts may be worn during sport lessons)
Shirts - Gold polo shirts.
Socks - Plain White anklets or St. Patrick’s socks
Shoes - Sport shoes
Year 6 Jumper - Only worn with the Sports Uniform on Sports Days
Tracksuits are for both the boys and the girls. They are to be worn on sport days only or, if requested, on certain excursions.