Around the School

Religious Education News - Sacramental Program

Our Sacramental Program will continue shortly with Eucharist. Next week on Tuesday 23/4/2024 there will be a parent meeting here at St Patrick’s Primary where parents can come to enrol their children and find out more about the program. You can attend at either 9:00am or 3:30pm in the new Madden Room. At this meeting you will receive a folder with four student booklets and a parent booklet. 


Students will be taken through the program at St Patrick’s Primary School by Kerin Johnson with parents being able to support the learning at home. The Eucharist booklets can be taken home to support the learning, and then returned to school for the next lesson. Each lesson will take place on a Friday after recess.


During the Eucharist program there are 3 weekend Masses that students are to attend with their families either Saturday 5.30pm, Sunday 10.30am or Sunday 5.00pm.


First Eucharist Details


Parent Information Meetings              Tuesday 23rd April at school


Commitment Weekend                           Saturday 4th May 5:30pm

  Presentation before Parish                  Sunday 5th May 10:30am & 5:00pm


Prayer Weekend                                        Saturday 11th May 5:30pm

 Prayer Card to a parishioner                 Sunday 12th May 10:30am & 5:00pm


Presentation Weekend                           Saturday 18th May 5:30pm

New Testament gift                                 Sunday 19th May 10:30am & 5:00pm                                                              


Catholic Schools Program

Week 3,4,5,6 Term 2                                Term 2 15 April – 28 June


Sacrament of First Communion Celebrations

Saturday 25th May 5:30pm                   Co-ordinated by parish

Sunday 26th May 10:30am                    Co-ordinated by parish

Sunday 26th May 5:00pm                      Co-ordinated by parish


Saturday 1st June 5:30pm                      Co-ordinated by St Thomas More PS

Sunday 2nd June 10:30am                     Co-ordinated by St Patrick’s PS

Sunday 2nd June 5:00pm                       Co-ordinated by Sienna PS


Saturday 15th June 5:30pm                   Co-ordinated by parish

Sunday 16th June 10:30am                    Co-ordinated by parish

Sunday 16th June 5:00pm                      Co-ordinated by parish


You can use the attached QR Code to register your child. If you are able to bring $50 to the parent meeting that would be helpful.






If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Thank you, Kerin Johnson.



Junior School Learning Expo


Thank you to all of our parents, grandparents, carers and friends who were able to attend our Learning Expo yesterday. Our students loved sharing their stories, created as part of last term's learning.


The Gift of Giving

Last term our students were sharing ideas about giving and how to help others in need.

Abraham visited the 'One Humanity Shower Bus' over the holidays after cashing in cans to purchase toilet paper for those in need.




Sovereign Hill - Year 5/6 Students

On Wednesday the Grade 5/6 students explored Sovereign Hill, delving into Ballarat's Gold Rush era. They immersed themselves in the past, panning for gold, and witnessing life in a 19th-century town. Through engaging narratives, they learned about the origin of the Eureka Rebellion, delving into the pivotal events that led to the battle at the iconic Eureka Stockade. They also learned about how this important event shaped our nation. The Grade 5/6 students enjoyed dressing up as people from the past and reenacting these events.