Assistant Principal News

Term 2 begins!


Welcome back to another exciting term at Caulfield Primary School! I hope everyone in our school community has had a restful break and enjoyed the long weekend over the Easter. It was so lovely to see our students coming back to school with a big smile on their face and ready to tackle another busy term. By 9.05am on Monday, students were well settled in the classroom and listening actively to other students and their teachers sharing about their holiday. I have certainly enjoyed listening to fantastic retelling of their breaks through out this week!コーフィールド小学校での新学期がスタートしました。皆様楽しいホリデーを過ごすことができましたでしょうか?月曜日には元気な笑顔と共に登校してきた生徒達は、9時を少し過ぎた頃にはすっかり教室で落ち着き、注意深くお友達や先生のホリデーの話を聞いていました。また校庭ですれ違う生徒たちの多くがホリデーにしたことの話を聞かせてくれました。今学期も、職員一同宜しくお願い致します。


Wellbeing Team


Wellbeing of our students have been placed in the centre of our work at Caulfield Primary School and much of that work has been driven by our Wellbeing Team. This year, the Wellbeing Team will be led by Miss Deng who is very passionate about supporting student wellbeing as well as their learning. She will be joined by Klein Sensei, Miho Suzuki-Bevan Sensei and Caroline. Mr Strain and I will be working alongside these staff members. Carissa will continue to be a member of our team as a representative of parents. We will soon announce how we will be sharing our wellbeing approach and program to our community, so please stay tuned!!今年度のウェルビーングチームが結成されました。尊重し合う関係などの生徒達へのウェルビーングプログラム先導するチームは、今年はデング先生がリーダーとなって活動します。デング先生以外に、クレイン先生、みほ先生、そしてキャロラインもメンバーとなっています。もちろん、ストレイン先生と私もメンバーとなっています。かリッサさんも保護者の代表として引き続き活動してくださいます。本校のウェルビーングプログラムについて、保護者の方により多くの情報を提供できるように努めて参りますので、ご期待下さい。


Swimming Program


Swimming and Water Safety Program will commence from Monday 29 April. This is an intensive program which runs every day for two weeks. When I was a classroom teacher, I was always amazed how much progress students made in two weeks. Our teachers have been seeking parent helpers and we always have overwhelming number of support! Please note that you will require a valid Working With Children Check to be a volunteer and complete an induction at the front office. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office, if you have any questions. 4月29日より、2週間にわたる水泳教室が始まります。毎年、たくさんの保護者の方々にサポートをいただき、誠に感謝しております。水泳教室のお手伝いをいただく場合は、有効期限内のWorking With Children Checkが必要となりますので、今一度ご確認ください。また、初めてボランティアをされる方は、学校のオフィスにあるボランテティア用サインインアイパッドにてインダクションをしていただきますので、オフィスの方へご連絡ください。


Snapshots from our classrooms


I visited one of the Y5/6 Japanese classrooms and they were practising new phrases. The target dialog was “What would you like to do if you could visit…?” and the response to the question, “I would like to do if I could visit…” In all Japanese classrooms, we have been focussing on speaking and listening before reading and writing. As a result, our students have started to write more, as they build up vocabulary quickly when they try to converse and express their thoughts. 












Another snapshot from our Y5/6 classroom. Our students have started their own blog last term and when I visited their classroom, they were writing about their holidays. This activity is a great opportunity for our students to practise their typing skills, apply their understanding of cyber safety as well as make connections with their peers. Great work, Y5/6 students!