Sporting Success

Congratulations Cici

We celebrate two outstanding accolades that Cici Cao (7B) has recently achieved in fencing! 

On the 22nd of March, Cici achieved 1st place in the Neil Hick Epee Shield and on the 28th of April, she also won 1st place in Fencing Victoria’s State Fencing Competition.

Congratulations Cici! 


Congratulations Jasper

Jasper has participated in two national tournaments in the last two months.


In February Jasper played for Melbourne in the IIJL Commonwealth Cup under 21s Box Lacrosse competition where he played against Canada. 


In the under 18s National Lacrosse Championship, 29th March - 2nd April Jasper played in the Victorian Development Squad. 


Jasper was one of two players in the country to get MVP in both tournaments. Congratulations Jasper! 


Congratulations Liam

Liam Iseya-Louey of Year 11 travelled to QLD this weekend and competed in the Gold Coast Open - Taekwondo. 


He fought in the 51.1kg-55kg Division, narrowly missing out on proceeding to the finals by 1 point, however walked out with a bronze medal for his efforts!


Congratulations Reuben

Congratulations to Reuben Cooke, one of our Year 8 students, who has achieved some amazing results recently in a range of state and national archery competitions.


Over Easter, Reuben competed at the Youth National championships, in the U/14 age group. He won a silver medal in the Field category, and then three gold medals in three different competitions: Indoor 18m Small Spot; Outdoor 40m / 30m / 20m (900), and Outdoor 30m (720).


He also won gold in the State Clout competition, which involves aiming at targets over a distance of 125m, and gold in the State Field competition which was an event held over two days.



I sat down for a chat with Reuben to find out some more about his passion for Archery.

Reuben has been an archer since the age of 6. His interest in the sport was piqued by a chance encounter watching archers at an Archery club and telling his Dad he’d like to give it a go. He went down to the ‘come and try day’ at Moorabbin Archery Club and was immediately hooked – once they worked out he was actually a left handed archer, not a right handed! (Reuben is right handed for all other purposes).


Within a very short period of time (12 – 18 months) Reuben had graduated to using bows that were in fact taller than him, and winning state championships.


He has stayed a loyal member of Moorabbin Archery Club and would encourage all Glen Eira students to come down and give the sport a go. He is there between two and three times per week and when he’s not practicing at the club or receiving coaching, he’s practicing at home using a frame that his parents built for him to allow him to practice over different distances. Through Reuben’s interest and passion for archery, his father and two siblings have also now joined the club – a definite bullseye for family participation!


Reuben is achieving amazing results with his archery and has a bright future ahead of him. He told me that under current rules, he’d be unable to compete in the Olympics as this requires a different type of bow than he currently uses (there are two main types: compound, which Reuben currently uses, and recurve bows which are used at the Olympics). In the meantime he is very keen to qualify for the Victorian indoor team in order to compete in the indoor national championships later in the year.


Congratulations Reuben on all of your achievements, we look forward to seeing what else you can achieve in your sport.


Mark Oudshoorn

Assistant Principal