Share Our Success

Share Our Success 2024

On Wednesday 24th April, the new cohort of year 7 students proudly presented their transition to secondary school to their former primary school year 6 teachers at the Share Our Success afternoon.


The event commenced with the arrival of teachers from 14 primary schools, greeted by excited, happy year 7s!  Across the afternoon the year 7 students guided their former teachers on school tours, showing them the distinct features that make up their new secondary school, including the homerooms, lockers, arts rooms, the learning centre, gym, and so much more. The tours were 100% student-led, with students proudly displaying the Glen Eira College values.



Our student MC Alfred Koval, led the second part of the event which was held in the PAC where our students showcased their abilities and talents presenting speeches, singing and musical performances.  A special thanks goes to all student presenters and performers for their outstanding deliveries.



Before bidding farewell, the event concluded with a delicious afternoon tea together whilst sharing more stories.


The feedback received from the primary school teachers was very positive, expressing how they appreciated the bridging connection between their primary schools and our secondary school. Furthermore, the event gave them a great insight into Glen Eira College, with a particular focus on the educational and extra-curricular programs on offer and how they have positively impacted our year 7s thus far.


Jared Bandara, Sophie Clark and Dean West

Junior School