From the Principal Team

Thank you to all members of the community in supporting a very smooth start to term 2.

It has certainly been a busy few weeks so far.  Highlights have included:

  • Our ANZAC Day assembly was a very respectful and moving commemoration.  Our captains spoke extremely well and our students listened with respect – we were all very moved.
  • Share Our Success – our Year 7 students invited their primary school teachers to see how well they have settled into GEC.
  • Open Night – our students were wonderful ambassadors, speaking so proudly about their school.
  • Athletics Carnival – a wonderful whole school event enjoyed by all.
  • Medieval Day – Year 8 students participated in a range of fun learning activities.


 Autism Acceptance Month

April was Autism Acceptance Month (AAM) and was a great opportunity to celebrate our autistic students, learn more about how we can support and include them, and help foster understanding and acceptance of autism among all students.  


Our school is committed to understanding, including and celebrating our autistic students and values the contribution they and their families make to our school.


The Department of Education has worked with organisations for autistic people and lead researchers in autism to develop new resources for schools to help us better understand, support and celebrate the strengths of autistic students. I hope you find them useful and insightful.

Booran Road Crossing

In response to requesting a red light camera at our crossing, Victoria Police and the Department of Justice are progressing our concerns regarding traffic safety issues on Booran Road.


Assessments are currently being made regarding the installation of enforcement cameras (red light, speed) at the pedestrian crossing outside our school to combat these issues.   

Mother’s Day Classic 12th May Royal Botanic Gardens (the Tan)

Thank you to Celine and Kai for organising the GEC team.  Last year the GEC team was the highest fundraising team in Victoria! Let’s see if we can do it again!


 This is a wonderful opportunity for the GEC community to come together.

You can choose to run (4, 8 or 12 km) or walk (4 or 8 km). 


The money raised will support research on breast cancer and ovarian cancer. So far we have about 40 participants and over $2161.00 raised.


To register follow this link and make sure to join our team. If you can’t participate you can always help us achieve our goal by supporting us



New Staff

We would like to welcome the following new staff

  • Maria Sponza – Numeracy tutor
  • Terry McGann – Careers and Pathways Coordinator
  • Mai Le – Education Support

Later this week we hope to have a replacement French teach in place for the Year 7 and 9 classes.


We would also like to welcome back Radcliff Owen and Bernadette McIvor.

Glen Eira College STEM Tour 2025

After the recent information session (presentation found on XUNO) we have decided to push the tour back by six months to depart in September of 2025. This is for two reasons. Firstly, to allow incoming students to the College next year the opportunity to register to travel and it provides families greater time to save money for this opportunity. The updated tour departure window has been set for Saturday September 13 to Thursday September 18 2025. If you would like further information about this wonderful opportunity please contact Nick Hamer-Smith.

Community Sentiment Survey – a message from Victoria Police.

From 1 May to 31 May 2024, Victoria Police is inviting Victorians to complete the Community Sentiment Survey.


The annual survey supports our commitment to Neighbourhood Policing, and asks Victorians to tell us their key safety concerns, how they would like to interact with police (outside of an emergency) and where we can focus efforts to prevent and deter crime.


The survey is quick, anonymous and for people of all backgrounds who live, work and socialise in Victoria.


Accessing the survey

The survey is available from 1 May 2024 via the Engage Victoria website at:


This year we also have accessible survey formats available.


How we’ll use responses

Survey responses help us identify the issues our communities care most about, and help us develop local ways to tackle them. This includes working with partners on local safety plans to understand and address the key drivers of local crime and safety concerns.


In the coming months, Victoria Police will share a summary of key findings on the Engage Victoria website. Local summaries will also be shared on Victoria Police Facebook (Eyewatch) pages. 


For more information

If anyone wants to find out more about the survey, they can contact Victoria Police at


I ask parents and carers to endeavour to send emails to staff during reasonable business hours and not on the weekend.  I have asked the same of staff.  If you can save as drafts and send on a week day that would be greatly appreciated.


If you have any wonderings, concerns or feedback, please do not hesitate to call me at the school to talk or arrange a time to meet.


Sheereen Kindler
