Medieval Day

The Year 8 and Year 7 SEAL classes got the opportunity to engage in ‘Medieval Day’. During medieval day we had 5 different activities which included Crime & Punishment; Troubadours (Entertainment); Education and Games; Tournament (Sword Fighting) and Archery. 


We were also told to dress up in semi-accurate historical clothing. There were some fabulous dresses and garments but ultimately we had to vote which one had the most lady and lord potential.  



One of the fan favourite activities was Archery where we were told the ins and outs of shooting a bow. It was particularly fun when we got the chance to “kill bill” the not-so friendly archery target. 


Another activity we did was troubadours (Entertainment), The troubadours were musicians, entertainers and sometimes fruit platters. We were given the chance to hone our troubadour skills while learning how to juggle.



 Crime & Punishment was pretty self-explanatory. We were taught what punishment would be given to certain crimes, including some safe demonstrations on how these punishments would take place in medieval England.


There were a few more activities, but overall it was a great day and we really enjoyed it.


Thank you to the Humanities teachers for organising the event.


Xander, Zoe, Alisha

Year 8D