Edible Garden Club

Do you enjoy the outdoors? 

The Edible Garden Club is an opportunity to spend time in nature whilst learning how to grow food and care for a garden. 


​Our next project is producing faux cabbage moths to deter the real deal from eating all of our brassica plants. 



Pop into to food tech and speak to Sonia about how you can become a part of our garden caretaking team.

  • Learn how to grow your own food
  • Host produce tastings
  • Identify bugs and plants
  • Maintain a composting system
  • Plan for seasonal planting
  • Document our progress
  • Organic pest management
  • Seeds and seedlings
  • General garden maintenance

and more....



Currently meeting Thursday lunchtimes, but participation is flexible. Find out how you can become a part of this amazing space in our school. For more information pop into Food Technology and speak to Sonia.


Sonia Buxton

Food Technology