Library Corner

Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge

The Challenge is now open until 6th September and Glen Eira College is excited to be participating. Students can check their Year Level Google Classrooms or pop into the library to find out more. To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklist and for more information, visit



My Brother Jack Awards - Glen Eira Council

The Awards recognise the outstanding literary achievements of people who live, work or study in Glen Eira. Prizes are awarded for short stories and poetry in the categories of Primary; Junior Secondary; Senior Secondary; and Open. More information can be found here. The My Brother Jack Awards are a celebration of local writing talent and the stories that shape our community. We would love to see as many entries as possible from GEC students. There are some fantastic prizes to be won! Students can talk to their English teacher or library staff if they’d like to know more.


Homework Help

Tuesday & Wednesdays after school in the library (3.30pm - 4.30pm).

Volunteer tutors available for assistance with most subject areas.


English Club will also be held on Wednesdays in the library after school. All students welcome for assistance with English. The library is open every day after school for students to study except when staff meetings are scheduled.

Library Links

Library Catalogue:

Digital Books: 

Students sign into both the catalogue and digital books with their EduPass account details.


Clare Murayama
