Miss Gray's clas

We have done so much fun and great learning this week but I haven’t taken many photos!
The students have been busy writing and learning about compound words and had a go at writing a solution to the problem we saw in the book we were reading this week.
today they had the opportunity to write a story on their own that was based in the Australian outback.
In maths, we have begun working on partitioning and students have become more confident each time they do it.
In science, we had a great lesson on stretching lolly snakes, I wish I had got some photos but we were all too busy with the snakes. The students had to stretch two different kinds of lolly snakes and let them go. We wanted to see which snake would go closest back to its original size.
I will share what we have been working on in art next week as I want it to be a surprise for the student's mums!