Science and Technology  

Paul Colvin - Science and Technology Learning Leader 

As we near the halfway point of Term 2, the students have been going full steam ahead with their various projects and programs.


In Year 7 PBL, students were asked to research simple science experiments. They were to choose one that had less than five materials, cost less than $5 and could only use materials that were found within the home. Students then had to present their experiment to the class along with a science-based explanation of what was occurring.

In Year 7 'Joy in a Toy' students have been hard at work designing and creating their own wooden toy, with one class taking a superhero twist on the task.


Meanwhile, a group of Year 10 students have begun a STEM extension program. This program, run in conjunction with SIPROKA and CSIRO, focuses on electronics and programing, giving students hands-on experience that will help them, not only with these skills, but also the mathematics behind them.