Classroom News

Welcome back to Term 2! We hope that you all had a safe and relaxing break with your families, we have enjoyed hearing all about the amazing things you got up to!
We have continued our ‘Little Learners Love Literacy’ program this term and have moved onto stage 2. We have been introduced to 8 of our new characters; Ben bear, Daisy dog, Leo lion, Harry hippopotamus, Oscar octopus, Vicky vulture and Gabby goat. In Numeracy, we have started our new unit on Addition. We will be using concrete materials to add two groups together to make a bigger number.
Don’t forget next Thursday the 25th is a Public Holiday for ANZAC Day and Monday the 29th of April is a pupil free day.
Here is what the Preps had to say this week.
Archer Ogle - “I have loved playing in the back playground and learning about addition.”
Harper Brown - “I have loved playing with my friends and hanging on the monkey bars.”
Harper Langley - “I have had fun playing with my friends on the playground and learning about our new Little Learners characters.”
Clancy Angus - “I have loved playing with my friends in the sandpit and in the dirt!”
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and feel well-rested, ready for a busy Term 2 ahead!
As always, our best point of contact is via direct message on class Dojo. Please feel free to direct message your class teacher when the need arises. Class teachers will also post notices on the ‘wall’ space to keep you updated on events and achievements.
Did you know that you can log into PAM and click the calendar option to stay up-to-date with all school events. This calendar is updated regularly and is a great option for confirming dates.
Our homework and library days will remain the same in Term 2. We’d love for families to check in on their child’s counting goal on a regular basis.
The P.E timetable also remains the same in Term 2. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear on this day.
We have moved into our second rotation of specialist subjects, so the Year 1 students will now enjoy DDT and Art, and Year 2 will head to Science and Music on a Wednesday afternoon.
As we head deeper into April, the need for hats becomes less important. Students are encouraged to use their hats on the sunnier days, but they are no longer mandatory for outside play until mid Term 3.
With the change in weather, we are noticing a lot of students starting the day with their jumpers and jackets on, but are taking them off throughout the day. It is important that all school clothing is labelled.
We have noticed a lot of toys coming to school this week. We often find these toys become a distraction to students play. We encourage students to leave their toys at home.
On Thursday 25th of April we will commemorate ANZAC day. This is a public holiday and there will be no school on this day.
Monday 29th of April will also be a student free day. Staff will be at school undertaking professional development on this day.
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
Welcome back and get ready for a busy and fun-filled Term 2! After our wonderful adventures on camp at the end of last term the students have returned from school holidays, refreshed and ready to go!
We have started this term learning about telling the time to the minute and writing recounts about our experiences on camp. Here are a few gems about camp:
Will Russell - ‘It was THE BEST!’
Frankie Gannon - ‘My favourite part was the beach walk because we got to play in the water.’
Maddi Bartlett - ‘I enjoyed sliding down the BIG slide at the playground’
Wangkom Gerich - ‘I loved playing soccer with the camp dog.’
Lila Holland and Elise Bishop - ‘Our favourite part was the obstacle course because it had a water slide and we got to get muddy.’
Years 3 and 4 this term will lead a whole school prayer gathering. We warmly welcome families to attend and pray with us.
Year 4 Kascha - Friday 19th April
Year 4 Matt - Friday 26th April
Year 3 Deb - Friday 3rd May
Year 3 Elissa - Friday 10th May
We also have some upcoming student-free days for your diaries.
ANZAC day - Thursday 25th April
School Closure Day - Monday 29th April
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
Welcome back to Term Two! We hope everyone had a restful holiday as we have a busy term ahead. The Grade 6s welcome Jess Downard to the area as she undertakes her final placement in Grade 6 Maegen. She will be working with us for the duration of Term Two.
In Grade 6 we have started our Term learning about multiplication and division in Numeracy. Students should be practising their table goals at home ready to come in and move to the next stage! Grade 5s have continued their work on addition and subtraction building their understanding of different strategies and methods for solving these problems.
In Literacy the Grade 6s are looking at poetry, we will be focusing on the text “The Jabberwocky” while we learn how to create our own poetry. In Grade 5 we are continuing our text study of War Horse.
The Grade 5s will continue their fabulous work within the community by going on another round of kinder visits next week. This has been a great opportunity for the students to flex their leadership skills and prove they are great representatives for our school.
Next week the Arts and Culture leaders will begin holding St Mary’s Got Talent auditions. We can’t wait to see what incredible acts the students will be performing.
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter