Religious Education News

Prayer Gathering
Tomorrow we look forward to celebrating our Alleluia Prayer Gathering led by Kascha and her Grade Four students. This prayer time will be a beautiful culmination of all the learning the students participated in during our final week of Term 1 as they experienced the significant events of the Easter story through song, art and drama.
The following week Matt’s class will lead us in prayer around the sacrifice of the ANZACs. All welcome.
Bishop Paul Bird Visit
This weekend Bishop Paul Bird will be visiting the parish of St. Mary’s Colac. As we celebrate the 150 year anniversary of the Diocese of Ballarat, Bishop Bird is visiting each of the 56 parishes of the Diocese. He will be the Celebrant at each of the Parish Masses: St. Mary’s Saturday Vigil 6 pm; Sunday 9 am & 11 am. All welcome!
Religious Education Closure Day
On Monday April 29th the staff will be attending a professional development day with Gina Bernasconi from the Catholic Education Office, looking at the data collected from past surveys about the Catholic Culture of our school and how we can continue to celebrate our school’s Catholic heritage. The students will have a day off on this day.
Jayne Brumby
Religious Education Leader