Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
A big welcome back to all children, parents and staff as we begin Term 2. It was wonderful to see that we all arrived back safely from our Easter break and I trust that everyone had a very happy and relaxing Easter with their families.
With Easter being part of the school holiday break, it was certainly a great opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends and reflect on how Easter is relevant in our own lives and also the life of our school and wider community. Tomorrow the children will participate in an Alleluia prayer gathering in the church. It is a special way to commence the new term and all are welcome. As we believe, the death of Jesus is not the end, it is the prelude to His Resurrection, which brings hope to the world.
After the horrible atrocities that occurred in Bondi last weekend, I would like to share an Easter prayer of hope as we keep those directly affected in our thoughts and prayers.
An Easter Prayer for Hope
Risen Presence, stir hope in us when we waver in our belief about the goodness of humanity. Turn our face toward the sunrise of each morning. Assure us that every day brings light after night’s heavy darkness. Let it remind us that a fresh beginning continually awaits us.
Open our eyes to recognize signs of your endless love. Draw us close on our own Emmaus roads. When our hearts are disconsolate, surprise us with your peace-filled presence. Rekindle our love.
Clear our mind of the tendency to close off the possibility of a world warm with the glow of human kindness. Veer us away from negativity. Help us delete our thoughts of inner strife and the apprehension of doomsday prophecies.
Bring us into a remembrance of your empty tomb when we want to give up on humanity’s care for one another. Restore our recognition of your presence abiding in each and every human being. Let us look deeply, beyond despicable behaviour and brutality, and find the pure essence of your love abiding there.
Risen Lord, breathe hope in us. Help us keep it alive by how we think, feel, and live everyday.
Prep Enrolments for 2025
I would like to have enrolments for next year finalised by the middle of next term. Therefore, if you have any extended family or friends intending on enrolling their child next year, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pass this information on to them, so they can arrange for a meeting and a tour of the school. I request all existing families that have a child starting in Prep next year, submit their enrolment form as soon as possible.
Discount Card
A decision has been made at leadership level to discontinue the St. Mary’s Discount Card. This has been a major fundraiser for the school over the years, but due to major businesses no longer wishing to be involved, and the time and effort required of office staff, it is no longer a financially viable option. On behalf of the school community I thank all those who have supported this initiative over the years.
Congratulations to Millicent
Congratulations to Millicent Gardiner (Prep Gemma) who represented St Mary’s at the State Equestrian Interschool Championship during the holidays. She was the youngest competitor there.
Millicent participated in all the events on offer, and her most notable achievements were;
- 6th in the Prep - 3 bending race sport horse
- 7th in the Preparatory dressage championship (Prep - year 6 students)
What an amazing effort, well done Millicent!
Parking in Calvert St.
Can I please ask that all parents and carers obey the parking signs near the crossing in Calvert St. We were informed at the end of last term that there will be $192 fines issued to those ignoring the signs.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that our pupil free day this term is Monday 29th April.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Michael Mahoney (Principal)