Hello Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Term 2, we hope all the kids had a great first week back.
I wanted to provide a summary of events that occurred in Term 1. In February we held our New Parent Morning Tea, this was an opportunity to meet other parents and ask any questions regarding the school. We had a really great turn out so thank you to all that could make it, it was wonderful to meet some new families that have recently joined us at St Agatha’s.
In March we held our Annual Easter Raffle, thank you to all the families that donated an Easter Gift.
A big thank you to all the volunteers that assisted in putting together the Easter Raffles prizes, we ended up being able to make 50 prize bags.
We managed to raise a massive $2206.50 which will go towards a new play area.
Term 2
Mother’s Day Stall
Our Annual Mother’s Day Stall will be held on Tuesday the 7th May. We are asking for Volunteers to assist with setting up the Stall on the day. If you would like to assist please email or there will be a sign up sheet available in the office from Wednesday Morning.
Just a reminder that if you would like to volunteer you are required to have a current Working with Childrens card (WWC) and have attended a parent induction.
Please see below flyer for further details regarding the Mother day Stall.
2024 Upcoming Events
High level events and dates below, more detailed information will come out prior to each event. Please also look out for Event posters that will be placed around the school. All funds raised will be going towards purchasing new play equipment for the school.
May 7th – Mothers Day Stall (Volunteers will be required on Monday the 6th from around 2pm -3:30pm to set up the stall and then on the day of the 7th from 9am till around 2pm.)
June 7th – Whole School Athletics Day held at Casey Feilds– Full day event (Volunteers will be required for the day)
July Date TBC: Cadbury Chocolate Fundraising Drive
August 27th – Father’s Day Stall (Volunteers will be required on Monday the 26th from around 2pm -3:30pm to set up the stall and then on the day of the 27th from 9am till around 2pm.)
September 20th- Footy Day Lunch – Students come dressed in their favourite team colour’s. (Volunteers will be required to help prepare the lunch)
December Date TBC – Christmas Raffle
If you have any questions or would like anymore information please feel free to reach out to us: